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8 Qualities to Seek in a Business Mentor

Hey, thanks for taking the time to meet with me. I have a favor to ask.

Owning my own business is relatively new to me. I’m figuring things out as I go. And since I work from home, I don’t have the chance to seek feedback and discuss options with coworkers. So I was thinking that I could use a business mentor. Someone to help me avoid some of the pitfalls of entrepreneurship.

Maybe that someone could be you.

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How to Streamline Your Time Management System

We all want to get more done, better, and quicker. But procrastination, inconsistency, and that daunting feeling of having “a lot to do” get in the way. So what do you do to get past that?

You manage and use your time more effectively with five steps.

The following steps start off traditional, even bordering on obvious. But then they start swerving into more unconventional territory.  Click Here to Read Article …

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Announcing The WorkAwesome Podcast

Announcing The WorkAwesome Podcast

Today marks the launch of our latest enhancement to the WorkAwesome site: the WorkAwesome podcast.

This weekly podcast will feature tips and tricks, motivation and inspiration, reviews and interviews – and much more. Hosted by yours truly, WorkAwesome editor Mike Vardy, the aim of the podcast is to bring you some of the things we’re doing at WorkAwesome in a different context – and with additional content to boot. Click Here to Read Article …

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Virtual Outsourcing: Rent a Coder with vWorker (Rentacoder)

So, you’re sitting at your desk and your staring at the most beautifully designed web application mock-up that you’ve ever seen. You can see the pages’ dynamic data and behaviors interacting harmoniously together. You can see the financial windfall that this application is going to provide your company. Then you realize that it is only a Photoshop image and everything you want the application to accomplish is still stuck inside your overactive — yet optimistic — imagination. All those bells and whistles need code to support them. The hitch is, you’re not a programmer. It sounds like you need a freelancer, a “rent a coder” — so to speak. The best place on the web for virtual outsourcing has got to be vWorker. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: Keyword Competition Analysis

Picking effective keywords for your content is at least as important as SEO. If you optimize for the wrong keywords, your search traffic will either be limited to lower search volumes than more optimal keywords, or the traffic will convert poorly. Click Here to Read Article …

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Survival Tips for Accidental Entrepreneurs

Survival Tips for Accidental Entrepreneurs

Remember about a decade ago, when the popular reality television show called “Worse Case Scenario” hit the scene? For those of you who may not be “in the know” on this one, here’s a recap:

In essence, this weekly, nail-biting show used skilled stuntmen to provide demonstrations of how we (as viewers) could escape, survive, outsmart, and strategize through potential dangers and unthinkable disasters — and land on our feet during life’s emergencies and challenges. The show evolved from a popular book series bearing the same name, published in the late 1990’s. Click Here to Read Article …

The Art of Continuous Self-Development

The art of continuous self-development can be summed up in a single word. Change.  The Japanese have added goodness to this simple concept through their term Kaizen. Kaizen literally means the following:

“To become good through change.”

As such, Kaizen is a great practice for improving your personal workflow and exercising self-development. Click Here to Read Article …

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Billings Pro is Billing Software for Macs and iPhones

I’ve been trying out Billings Pro and I recommend the program to small business owners, including those with employees who telecommute or employees that are on the road often. Click Here to Read Article …

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