Displaying All Posts tagged with flexibility

How to Be a Happier Freelancer

How to Be a Happier Freelancer

You get up to receive your fax.

The bespectacled personal assistant at the next table is muttering into her laptop.

Two writers are talking about the crazy demands of their clients.

You feel a part of something, happy to be around people going through the same thing you are.

This is the essence coworking spaces, office areas owned by a company or organization and used by freelancers as their office space.

They make use of resources such as photocopiers, fax machines, even coffee makers. Coworking is becoming more accepted, popular, and available.

One does have to pay periodical fees to use coworking facilities. So what justifies the price? Here are some good reasons to consider taking your home business into coworking spaces. Click Here to Read Article …

Trends: Office of the Future

In the last 50 years there have been dramatic changes in how working space has been provided to employees.

Once, almost everybody who was somebody had an office and almost all of them had windows.

Eventually this was winnowed down to open space design and cubicles.

Now it appears we are ready and in some cases already experiencing an office-less working environment. Click Here to Read Article …

Online Learning: How to Make the Best Out of it

Busy professionals like you are relying more on online learning to gain and hone new and existing skills. You can learn at your own pace and do it anywhere as long as there’s an Internet connection.

You read blogs and e-mail newsletters to keep abreast of latest trends in your industry. You read both free and paid e-books and even pay for an e-course to acquire new skills. You are so “social” that you use Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google Plus to network and get tips from the gurus in your field.

Whether free or paid, there’s no denying that information overload is a burden. How can you learn anything if there’s too much noise over the Internet? How do you navigate through the web so can acquire the information you need and ignore useless stuff?  Here are some tips to make the most use of online learning. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Deal with Organizational Change

As a professional writer, I value the input of editors whom I trust. When I get a good editor who knows my work, I usually do my best to keep him or her happy. I try to build a great professional relationship with my editors, and I do my best to make it lasting.

I’ve had one editor for the past year at my job whose opinions I really respect. His knowledge of writing is unsurpassed, and, perhaps even more importantly, how he talks about my writing truly impresses me. He just seems to get me; he always knows just how to offer his suggestions and criticism, and he does so in a way that respects my own work. In a sense, we make a good writing team. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Four-Day Workweek: Pros and Cons

When you know a three-day weekend is just around the corner, do you try hard to tie up loose ends during the week so you can enjoy it? I know I do. When you get back to work on a Tuesday, doesn’t the rest of the week seem to fly by? Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a four-day workweek every week? You can!

When faced with a short workweek I know I am more productive during business hours. Here are some other benefits:

  • People have more time to spend with their families.
  • Employees save money on commuting to and from work.
  • The business saves money on energy costs.
  • Studies show that employees with a four-day workweek are more productive and happier overall.

But there are drawbacks, too. Working 10 hours a day isn’t for everyone.

When thinking about creating a four-day workweek, people tend to think about how great it will be to have more time away from the office rather than how increasing their workday by two hours may affect them and their families. Less time in the day outside of work means less time for running errands on your workdays.
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Desk Fitness: A Series of 11 Simple Stretches

I spend an ungodly amount of time at my desk, staring at my large screen iMac. My body gets stiff, and sometimes numb. To help my muscles out, I frequently stretch at my desk. It not only makes my body feel better, but it gives my mind a break.

If you’re like me your shoulders creep up to your earlobes with stress during the day. I hold all of my stress in my upper back and neck. And while I prefer a massage, I can’t get one every day. But this series of simple stretches help, and I can do them in the comfort of my own office chair. Why not give them a try yourself?

1. Chin Tuck

To loosen stiff neck and shoulder muscles, drop your chin to your chest and stretch. I also like to roll my head from side to side to stretch the side of my neck and the backs of my shoulders. Take some time to relax and do this stretch—it feels so good.

2. Side Neck Stretch

You can also stretch your neck muscles by simply turning your head from side to side. It might sound simple (and it is) but if you think about how much of our day is spent facing straight forward at our computer screens, turning your head from side to side every so often doesn’t sound so weird. You can also stretch your neck by tilting your head from side to side from a face-forward starting position. Do your ears touch your shoulders?
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Are Traditional Offices Dead?

Today Seth Godin posted his thoughts on the state of the “traditional office.”

I hold the man in pretty high regard (he was listed as one of my examples of “really productive people”), and I even took part in this Monday’s Worldwide Linchpin Meetup Day. While not everyone will agree with his ideas, he puts them out there no matter what.

He raises some really great points, including how one can be more productive if they work from wherever they choose.

So, do you think the traditional office is dead?  Do you think there’s a place for it in today’s society? Click Here to Read Article …

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Paying Your Dues As An Entry-Level Employee

“Entry-level” work often consists of the mundane, tedious tasks that managers and veterans just won’t do anymore. The term itself makes it quite clear that entry-level positions are at the bottom of the office rankings. Being the “new guy” or the “rookie” at work can seem like a raw deal, but the right outlook can help you pay your dues as painlessly as possible. It’s a rite of passage that almost every one of your co-workers survived at the start of their career. If you do your entry-level work right the first time, you’ll never have to revisit the bottom of the totem pole. But, if you approach it with a poor attitude and a shaky work ethic, you might find yourself a permanent position in entry-level limbo. Click Here to Read Article …

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