Displaying All Posts tagged with Gmail

Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses

Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses

When it comes to running a small company effectively, task management is one of the keys to success. For many years, however, small business owners have had to deal with the added expense of hiring an IT expert to upgrade and maintain licensed software across their computer networks, which is why they are always looking for ways to cut this cost.

Fortunately, business software is much more affordable now that cloud-based applications give users a number of powerful tools that can be synced with desktops and mobile computing devices. Best of all, most apps can be scaled according to a company’s demand, which means that owners no longer have to worry about paying thousands of dollars for software features they don’t need. Click Here to Read Article …

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Prioritize Your Email Tasks with TaskForce

If you’re anything like me, you get the majority of your assignments through email — not to mention any contacts you want to follow up with, newsletters you might want to read and various other notifications. That gets messy…fast.

Enter Taskforce. Click Here to Read Article …

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Gmail’s Priority Inbox: An Email Review

It’s been one week since I started using Gmail’s Priority Inbox, so I though I’d summarize my experience with an email review. For those of you who haven’t heard about this handy little tool yet, the idea is that Gmail sets up “priority inbox” for important messages and sends the rest to your regular mailbox. Although I’ve been marking tons of emails as important (or not), Priority Inbox is still getting a sense of my email priorities and yes, still marking some of my daily emails as important despite my marking them as not important. Click Here to Read Article …

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Testing Out Gmail’s Priority Inbox

I was super-psyched when the new Priority Inbox showed up in my Gmail account earlier this week. I typically get 100+ emails on an average weekday, so even with filters and other sorting techniques, it’s hard to stay on top of my inbox.

Might Priority Inbox be the answer?

Time will tell. So far, it assumes that frequency implies importance, and that’s not necessarily the case for me. Sure, I like getting Google Alerts and Groupons daily, but those messages aren’t nearly as important as the less frequent ones from clients and editors. I’ve been marking a lot of emails as “important” (or not), so hopefully that does the trick.

I’ll report back in a week once I’ve had a chance to test drive Priority Inbox a bit more. In the meantime, let us know in the comments if you’ve tried it out yet. What are your initial impressions? Click Here to Read Article …

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Will Gmail Priority Inbox Change How You Manage Email?

Gmail is rolling out Priority Inbox as a way to help manage email. It remembers which emails you tend to open and sorts new emails accordingly.  Some regular Gmail users should have received the invitation to start using the new tool, while those who use Google Apps can get access to it a bit quicker by opting in to pre-release features.

TechCrunch looks at the Priority Inbox and notes:

“Of course, this introduces a new dynamic to the way a lot of people are going to be reading email. Email intros will become ever more important, because you’ll want to ensure that your message gets marked with coveted ‘important’ tag. It also has much broader implications. Increasingly, content will be displayed to you based on its importance rather than its time stamp — not just when it comes to browsing email, but for social networks and other content as well.”

Does this create a branch of SEO for email now? I know this only applies to Gmail. But if Priority Inbox proves to be a hit, other email providers will create competing features. To make sure your emails are marked important, will you have to learn how to write optimized emails? Click Here to Read Article …

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Boomerang for Gmail: Beta Invites!

Yesterday we gave Baydin’s Boomerang for Gmail a pretty decent once over.  I have been using the service for the past week or so and I’m happy with the results I’m getting.  As editor of this site – and living in North America as opposed to where Envato HQ is based – it’s handy to schedule emails and move on to other things that aren’t, well, email. Alas, the service is still in beta, so you’ll need an invite to use it.

Luckily, WorkAwesome has just been given 1000 invites to give away (thank you, Baydin)! Use the promo code b4gbeta on the link below and you’re good to go…

Boomerang for Gmail: Get Started Today! Click Here to Read Article …

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Send Gmail Reminders to Yourself and Others with Boomerang

If you’re anything like I am, then you often find yourself checking email late at night, but you’re hesitant to actually send emails at that hour lest you give clients the impression that you have no life and they can always expect an immediate response from you. Or maybe you have a set of recurring emails that you’re often forgetting to send.

Enter Baydin’s Boomergang for Gmail (it’s also available for Outlook). Click Here to Read Article …

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