Displaying All Posts tagged with office

A Business Owner’s Guide to VoIP Services

A Business Owner’s Guide to VoIP Services

Communication is a pivotal component in any business.

As such, you want to make sure that you have an effective means of communication to keep the daily business processes flowing.

If you’ve been researching the various options your business has for telephone communications, then you’ve likely heard of Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) systems.

Such phone systems are becoming increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes as the popularity of the Internet and modern technologies continues to increase.

Below, you’ll find a more in depth understanding of what a VoIP system is and some of its benefits for businesses. Click Here to Read Article …

Want a Quick Productivity Hack? Drink More Water

Want a Quick Productivity Hack? Drink More Water

The workplace can be a stressful and unpredictable place.

Without the tools essential to office productivity, no team can perform at their best.

As insignificant as it may seem, hydration actually plays a vital role in the performance of your employees and can mean the difference between a motivated workforce and an office full of uninspired employees.

Today we’re taking a look at humble H2O and how this miracle ingredient makes a recipe for ultimate productivity. Click Here to Read Article …

Common Hazards in the Office

Common Hazards in the Office

When speaking of workplace safety, people are usually referring to factories, mines, and other industrial settings.

These places often expose workers to dangerous conditions, like temperature extremes, the risk of cave-ins and exposure to dangerous materials.

The asbestos industry has plenty of examples of dangerous jobs in high risk areas.

However, workplace safety doesn’t just apply to people who work in factories and other industrial settings. While those jobs certainly have their fair share of risk, even your basic desk job can have risks as well.

These risks go beyond threats to your waistline, from too much sitting and too many office donuts to actual risks to your health and safety.

In fact, there are four common hazards that can occur in any office environment and can put workers at risk. Click Here to Read Article …

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Trends: Office of the Future

In the last 50 years there have been dramatic changes in how working space has been provided to employees.

Once, almost everybody who was somebody had an office and almost all of them had windows.

Eventually this was winnowed down to open space design and cubicles.

Now it appears we are ready and in some cases already experiencing an office-less working environment. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Make Office Life Easier for Introverts

I remember my first experience working in cubicle-land: radio playing in the cubicle next to me, constant hum of voices interrupted occasionally by the sounds of a teleconference blasting over a less-than-considerate colleague’s phone, bursts of laughter, high-energy discussions.

The manager was an extrovert who did not think twice about it. She revelled in this upbeat, high-energy environment and simply assumed that it would be invigorating for everyone.

Yet for the introverts who thought best in silence, it was a nightmare.

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5 Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations

5 Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations

A few years ago, a friend was asked by a potential employer, “What would you need to get paid in order to not resent the fact that you have to do the work?”

Talk about being straightforward.

For me, salary negotiations have always been a bit of a stumbling block, an awkward dance between speaking my mind while also appeasing an employer or potential employer. There seems to always be a magic number, but neither party is anxious to disclose what their magic number is right off the bat. Click Here to Read Article …

Office Gossip — 3 Ways to Deal With It

So the office gossiper approaches you, saying that she’s got the latest scoop on one of your co-workers. Do you sit down and listen eagerly, or do you walk away, proudly proclaiming that you don’t participate in office gossip of any kind?

Let’s admit it. We all participate in gossip at least once in a while in our lives. After all, it’s not always easy to resist a piece of new information about another person. Humans are naturally curious beings, most especially about each other.

Despite its bad reputation, gossip—the light talk about other people’s personal affairs—has helped humans learn more about each. It has proven to be useful as well. If you’re an art-lover, hearing that your new neighbor “was in the art gallery last week” could help you start a new and meaningful friendship.

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Master the Art of Office Influence: 5 Tactics to Get Coworkers in Your Corner Every Time

Have you ever had a brilliant idea that would clearly benefit your company, but your boss or colleagues shut you down?

If you have, you’re not alone. And you’re also likely violating some simple cardinal rules. Disobey them and getting the world on your side is near impossible. Abide by them and decisions are so smooth, you hardly notice.

I recently sat down to interview the modern day father of persuasion (and bestselling author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion), Robert Cialdini, who I’ve crossed paths with a bit over the years. His lessons continue to move mountains.

No matter where you are, the ability to influence is worth its weight in gold. Every social and business interaction involves it – be it your wife, friend, co-worker, waiter or the guy down the street trying to sell you a new Prius. Someone is always being influenced.

If you disagree, then it’s likely you were the one being persuaded.

This stuff is simple, powerful and best of all it works. Next time you need an office buy-in, remember the following…
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