Displaying All Posts tagged with writing

The 3 Best Ways to Become the “Go to Guy”

The 3 Best Ways to Become the “Go to Guy”

If you are one of the many people who feel their career is in a rut and that it might be time for a promotion or raise, then it is time for you to become the “Go to Guy”. But why would you want to do that?

  • The Go to Guy is the person that your boss and colleagues know they can turn to whenever they need advice — or just need to get something accomplished.
  • The Go to Guy is indispensable (therefore, powerful) in the greater scheme of office politics.
  • The Go to Guy can leverage his superior’s opinions towards projects, inter-departmental promotions, and raises.

The best part is with good, old-fashioned hard work and initiative you can be the Go to Guy. You can make the leverage work for you. Here are the top three ways to shine above the rest.

1. Volunteer for Everything

There are several ways that volunteering can help elevate you above the rest. Volunteers are already in short supply. Many avoid volunteering because it means doing more work for no pay. This is why every organization needs solid and dependable volunteers for many tasks. Whatever you do, do not get caught up in that frame of thought. The benefits of volunteering come back to you in spades. It may not be the same as a paycheck, but in the end volunteering will pay greater…and in dividends.

The first way to volunteer is the simplest — and always seen. Whenever there is an opportunity to take on more work, take it on and do an awesome job. Go “above and beyond” in your volunteer efforts. Your boss will take notice of this and place additional confidence in you. He will see your commitment and zeal in the volunteer efforts and transfer that image to his ideas of your normal work. The bonus here is that any positive feelings and thoughts he has at this point are multiplied due to the fact that you are generously volunteering your time to help the company. While this does mean more work for you, the sacrifice will definitely give boost your career and overall inter-office image.
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6 Tips to Be a Better Content Creator

6 Tips to Be a Better Content Creator

Whether you’re a blogger, a podcaster or a vlogger, one of your main goals is to consistently produce new content — that’s why you’re called a content creator!

As a content creator myself, I’m always on the lookout for new tools and hacks that can help me be more productive and get things done.

In this post I discuss productivity hacks for content creators and tools that help you save up to a few hours each week.

I recently came across a system that has completely changed the way I approach my daily and weekly activities.

It’s also drastically increased my productivity and efficiency. Personally, I think the reason this one works so well, compared to others taught by “productivity gurus”, is that it has to do with the way we think. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Balance Your Career Goals with Family

How to Balance Your Career Goals with Family

Don’t apologize for wanting to be an achiever.

You’re willing to work hard.

You take the extra assignment.

You want to do whatever is necessary to get ahead.

While some today use overachiever as a derogatory term, you reach for the higher rung — with the best of motives.

If your aim is excellence for the sake of your ego, you’re likely headed for failure. But if you want to shine for the benefit of others, for your employer or because of your faith, you might be amazed at what comes of your efforts.

Still you must be careful to remember what really matters. Click Here to Read Article …

How Anxiety Brings Out Our Best Writing

How Anxiety Brings Out Our Best Writing

This is not a guide to dealing with anxiety.

It’s not an article on why anxiety is evil.

I’m not going to tell you why we should feel good all the time.

This article is about the various anxieties I’ve felt as a freelance writer and how I’ve negotiated them.

It’s about how these anxieties often produce better material as a result.

There are three types of anxiety I most commonly have as a freelancer: Click Here to Read Article …

Wanna Be a Freelance Writer? Be a Brand Journalist

Wanna Be a Freelance Writer? Be a Brand Journalist

Companies once reached their audience by saying, “Buy Arco pancake mix. It makes good pancakes.”

And then came television commercials that promoted a lifestyle.

Then there was complex marketing research.

By the time Web 2.0 came along, the marketing intelligentsia on various brands tended to feel that any traditional advertising was a thing of the past and that telling a story was the way to reach people.

That is what brand journalism is all about, and it opens doors for freelance writers. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Tips for Writing Great Intros

3 Tips for Writing Great Intros

This is the best introduction I’ve ever written.

It’s surprising and unique.

It’s concise.

It doesn’t re-invent the wheel.

And because I’m telling you that these are the traits of a great intro paragraphs, it sets up the discussion.

I’m now ready to flesh out ways to write a great intro for a blog post or other web article. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Tools to Make Writing Easier

10 Tools to Make Writing Easier

Content creation is one of the hardest skills someone can master.

As a blogger, this skill is essential to the success of your art.

It takes a while before one can confidently say they’ve mastered the skill of content creation from a blogger’s perspective.

Regardless of whether you’ve mastered this skill, there are some tools that make the process easier.

There are some tools you can’t do without —they’re vital to enhancing your blogging experience. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips to Uncover Your Best Writing

6 Tips to Uncover Your Best Writing

Being a writer requires time, devotion, passion and skill.

For aspiring writers and those who have just started, becoming the writer you always wanted to be is a big challenge.

There are times when you would end up asking yourself if you can really do this or if you are good enough to write.

This is completely normal.

Even the most prolific writers experience problems like these, and you don’t establish your identity as a writer in one shot. Click Here to Read Article …