Displaying All Posts from December, 2009

Memo:Random #15: Holiday Edition

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holiday memo

Christmas Giveaways for 2009: Marketcircle and ThinkGeek!

To celebrate the end of 2009 and the Christmas season, we’re giving away prizes on WorkAwesome and FreelanceSwitch. All you have to do to enter is tell us the most important thing you learned about getting ahead in the office this year in the comments–but make sure you read the instructions below before you do so!

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How to Survive the Office Holiday Party

Hey, am I going to see you at the holiday party?

You can’t miss it. It’s the nicest thing management does for us. It almost makes up for the low pay and the frustration we experience the rest of the year. You deserve it.

Plus it looks good. Management will be there. They don’t just see you at the party as a guest but a team player. You’re getting along with the rest of the team, and you’re showing appreciation for this grand gesture. Yeah, you need to clear your schedule for this.

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Popular search terms for this article:

office stretches

The Value of the Weekend

Oh, how we all long for the weekend. There’s a certain buzz in the air once Wednesday passes by (ergo, we’re over the hump) and in the home stretch of what is known as “The Work Week.”

Well, to some of us anyway.

There are, however, those who work hard and play…er…occasionally. The cubicle is not necessarily everyone’s work environment, nor is a 9 to 5 schedule everyone’s to adhere to. Schedules can be static or fluctuate, often depending on the type of work but there is also the likelihood that it is the person themselves that dictates the work day—and work habits.

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Popular search terms for this article:

importance of weekends, Important ofweekends

Office Campaigns and Crusades

My recent article about dealing with unreasonable bosses and unreasonable requests generated a lot of debate. Some readers agreed with me that you often need to simply grin and bear it until you can get a better job, for various practical and financial reasons. Others argued that the best course of action is to always fight back, to demand fair treatment, and to put your ethics above your wallet. One person even suggested contacting a union representative, but that really only works in the 1950s or in France (which amounts to the same thing).

Because this is such an important issue for the people it affects, I think it deserves a little more discussion. Click Here to Read Article …

The Power of Preparedness

With the end of the year rapidly approaching (I know – seems just like yesterday that we were ringing it in) pretty much everyone is taking into account what he or she did achieve in the year speeding by and what he or she hopes to achieve in the one speeding towards us. The time of year is upon us where we take stock on we’ve got and (some of us) fill stockings hoping to give someone something they haven’t got.

(Personally, I’m hoping for a nice LiveScribe pen in my stocking, so I’m hoping I haven’t been too naughty this year…)
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Memo:Random #14

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How to Get Ready to Be Promoted

Sorry you didn’t get the promotion. Who knew Larry over there had potential to be middle management?

I know you have the potential too. But it’s just not your time. When will it be your time? You need to take these steps first.

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Popular search terms for this article:

how to be promoted, get ready for promotion