Displaying All Posts tagged with Goals

3 Reasons Goals Are Better than Resolutions + Lifetick Giveaway

3 Reasons Goals Are Better than Resolutions + Lifetick Giveaway

[Don’t miss the cool giveaway at the end!]

The New Year period is now but a distant memory as we’ve approached the quarter mark of the calendar year. So too sadly, are most people’s New Year’s Resolutions.

Consistently, it seems to be something people are willing to attempt to undertake despite knowing fully well the likelihood of success is minimal at best. The question must therefore be asked: Why is it we get excited about resolutions? When you dissect it all, it really comes down to one word: Hope. Click Here to Read Article …

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10 Easy Ways to Increase Your Job Satisfaction

What is it that makes a job satisfying? People differ on what they seek from work. For some, doing work that you love for an organization that you believe in is paramount, and purpose and meaning override all thoughts of income or even profession. Think, for instance, of those who put heart and soul into an NGO or a volunteer organization.

There are those who value the freedom to put their ideas into practice, to give free rein to their creativity. Artists and writers come to mind. Some entrepreneurs, and many self-employed people come into this category. Click Here to Read Article …

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Job Hunting with Confidence

Job Hunting with Confidence

“Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.”

— Vince Lombardi

Sometimes we find inspiration in the strangest places.

A couple weeks ago I found myself transfixed to a CD recording of The Unemployed Millionaire by Matt Morris. At a certain point in the book, Morris recalls a conversation he had early in his career with a sales guru that was considered one of the best in the business. Morris quickly became a follower and sought every opportunity to learn everything he could about what made this special person tick. Click Here to Read Article …

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Master the Art of Motivation by Making Pain-to-Passion Transition

Master the Art of Motivation by Making Pain-to-Passion Transition

If you want to become a master of your own motivation, so that you have relentless discipline and persistence to achieve your goals, you must understand that there is a past, present and future to the evolution of motivation.

In the past. . .

You had no motivation. But then something inspired you. I can’t say exactly what it was, but I can guess that you developed a burning desire to succeed based on the old methods for motivation.

. . . Methods that are now obsolete. Click Here to Read Article …

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Is it a Job, Career or Your True Calling?

Is it a Job, Career or Your True Calling?

As Woodrow Wilson once remarked, “We are not here to merely earn a living and to create value for our shareholders. We are here to enrich the world and make it a finer place to live. We will impoverish ourselves if we fail to do so.”

Are you really happy at work? Do you jump out of bed each morning and look forward to getting started at your true calling? Do you have a great sense of fulfillment from your job? If the answer to any of these is ‘NO’ for you, then you may want to read on to discover why this is happening and what you can do about it. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Quit Your Job – 5 Steps to Transition Into a New Career

While travelling in Dallas for work, I picked up a book titled One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher. It spoke about how wearing many hats and not being tied down to a full-time job can work for you. In the first few chapters,I made an instant connection: There were a lot of people with dynamic careers out there in the world — just like me — who wanted to know how to quit their full-time job!

I’m a Corporate Banker/Real Estate Agent/Writer/Board Chair for my local Boys & Girls Club. For a long time, I was my biggest critic about these several slashes. I thought to myself, “Okay, Cat, you’ve proved that you can do a lot. . . now pick one. . . one!” Click Here to Read Article …

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7 Effective Ways to Achieve Goals

7 Effective Ways to Achieve Goals

As I was cleaning out my desk drawer recently, I came upon a list of goals I had written years ago (yeah, it’s been a while since I last cleaned out my desk).

Looking over the list, I realized that I had not accomplished much of what was on it. Not only that, but the items on this list weren’t even on my radar any more. I kept looking and found list after list of things I wanted to accomplish but never got around to achieving them.

I stopped looking for more and tried to figure out why I gave up on these goals. I didn’t like the answer I came up with, but I think it applies to a lot of people. Most people, in fact: Click Here to Read Article …

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Podcast 21 – Connect and Revolutionize with Pace and Kyeli Smith

Podcast 21 – Connect and Revolutionize with Pace and Kyeli Smith

This week’s podcast features Pace and Kyeli Smith of The Connection Revolution. In this interview, they discuss the power of connecting with yourself and your true passions, which can go a long way in revolutionizing the way you work and live.

Pace and Kyeli are going to be attending this weekend’s World Domination Summit, as hosted by Chris Guillebeau and his team of dedicated volunteers. The summit (known as #WDS on Twitter) is going to bring 500 like-minded people from across the globe to Portland, Oregon for an truly inspiring weekend — and the connections that will be forged and the revolutionizing of lives that will take place are right up Pace and Kyeli’s alley.

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