Displaying All Posts tagged with Productivity

The Value of the Weekend

Oh, how we all long for the weekend. There’s a certain buzz in the air once Wednesday passes by (ergo, we’re over the hump) and in the home stretch of what is known as “The Work Week.”

Well, to some of us anyway.

There are, however, those who work hard and play…er…occasionally. The cubicle is not necessarily everyone’s work environment, nor is a 9 to 5 schedule everyone’s to adhere to. Schedules can be static or fluctuate, often depending on the type of work but there is also the likelihood that it is the person themselves that dictates the work day—and work habits.

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importance of weekends

The Power of Preparedness

With the end of the year rapidly approaching (I know – seems just like yesterday that we were ringing it in) pretty much everyone is taking into account what he or she did achieve in the year speeding by and what he or she hopes to achieve in the one speeding towards us. The time of year is upon us where we take stock on we’ve got and (some of us) fill stockings hoping to give someone something they haven’t got.

(Personally, I’m hoping for a nice LiveScribe pen in my stocking, so I’m hoping I haven’t been too naughty this year…)
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How to Get IT to Solve Your Problem

Why are you banging the side of your computer monitor again? Well that’s not going to help. And put down the phone. Who you going to call? IT?

That’s not going to help either. At least not right now. You have to do a few things first. Like grab a pen and paper. And write down what happened. It’s like remembering a dream.

Good point. More like a nightmare.

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Stop Deliberating and Start Delivering

“The waiting is the hardest part.” – Tom Petty

This adage applies on many fronts (remember desperately wanting to open gifts early as a kid?) and the feeling never really goes away, it just comes and goes in waves. Sometimes it is a result of others making you wait, and sometimes it’s because you’re either hesitating or are just plain stuck. It’s not unavoidable, but it’s bound to happen now and again. It’s a behavioral thing more often than not, and it’s not necessarily your behavior that has the greatest impact.

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Preparing for the Flu Season

Ah yes, it’s that time of year again for those of us in the northern hemisphere. The weather is getting crisp, the leaves are falling off the trees, and soon a soft blanket of snow will cover the countryside. Of course, I’m talking about Flu Season.

The flu season can be challenging for businesses any year, but the 2009-2010 season could prove to be even more difficult with the H1N1 strain steam rolling its way across the country. Since it poses a potential threat to the continuity of your business, I’ve put together a few tips and suggestions to help mitigate the effects in your office and on your business.

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Excel How-to: Concatenating Cells

Excel is one of the programs that made me want to throw things at Bill Gates but I found ways to make it more usable lest I end up in anger management therapy. Especially if you’re one of us assemblers of lists (guest lists, media lists, potential client lists) you should know for your own good how to combine and separate cell contents.

In this Excel how-to I’m going to teach you how to combine cell contents, which will save you loads of time or at least keep you from traumatizing your interns who enter data manually. I’m using a Mac but the process is the same for PC’s. I hope this article is clear, useful and not too boring. If you have any questions just send me a note!

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Time Management 101

For those of us who are gainfully employed, we all want to work awesome at our jobs. In order to get there we need to be able to juggle our time effectively. I’ve been working full-time for the better part of the last 30 years and have had a chance to take many Time Management courses. In this post I’d like to share with you a little of what I have learned about managing my time at work.

If you take any type of Time Management course there will be some discussion of four different types of issues that can take up your time. Let’s call them buckets.

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Popular search terms for this article:

time management 101

Will Google Wave Work For You?

This post was meant to happen at least a week ago, but I simply got caught in the “current event” that is Google Wave.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Google Wave (and didn’t have or feel the need to sit through the 80 minute video when it was announced), it is the ongoing realization of the question:

“What would email look like if we set out to invent it today?” – Lars Rasmussen, Software Engineering Manager, Google Wave

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