Displaying All Posts tagged with Social Media

Social Media Lessons I Learned Firsthand

Social Media Lessons I Learned Firsthand

Social media platforms fascinated me from the very beginning. After reaching a certain level of comfort in using them, I realized they carried mammoth potential in terms of advertising, customer engagement and of course making money. Though I got much of the bigger picture right, it was only after making gigantic number of mistakes that I really understood how to use powerful platforms like Facebook and Twitter to derive real business.

I spent considerable about of money and time on social media activities that I thought would reap dividends but actually didn’t. The few times they really did, results were minuscule enough to baffle instead of comfort. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Ways to Get the Word Out About Your Company (Without Breaking the Bank)

5 Ways to Get the Word Out About Your Company (Without Breaking the Bank)

Are you just getting a business off the ground? If so, it’s hard to think about putting money into intangibles like advertising to get the word out about your company. With all the expenses of opening shop, hiring employees, satisfying local codes, and so forth, the calls from local newspapers and media imploring you to spend with them can feel like an obnoxious distraction.

Even if you’re a well-established business, the constant pressure to market yourself can feel overwhelming. How do you decide where those dollars are best spent, reaching the maximum number of potential customers and clients for the least amount of capital? Click Here to Read Article …

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Turbo-charge Your Career with an Expert Blog

Turbo-charge Your Career with an Expert Blog

There are two types of personal websites you can set up to help advance your career and employment prospects. The first, simpler version is relatively easy to set up and its main purpose is to provide additional information to support your job application. I have already written about this here. The second type is an expert blog which is great deal more complex, but allows you to differentiate yourself much better – by positioning yourself as an expert in your field.

With this kind of website you have to be prepared to really delve deep into the subject area you are involved in – or want to get into. The objective is to make a name for yourself and become recognized within your industry. Click Here to Read Article …

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How To Use Social Media To Look Bigger Than You Are

How To Use Social Media To Look Bigger Than You Are

What do all successful businesses have in common?

If you are the owner/operator of your own business or an entrepreneur that is getting ready to make your first big move, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself this question more than a few times.

Okay, I’ll admit there are multiple answers to that question, but what I was thinking of is this — successful businesses are reliable. That’s why consumers tend to bring their business to large companies like Walmart or Lowes — they know that if there is a problem with the product, or if they have a complaint, there are hundreds of people that can help. Click Here to Read Article …

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13 Ways the New Facebook Timeline Will Help Your Business

Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire owner of everybody’s favorite social network, has been tweaking Facebook’s appearance again. In recent months, users have been steadily migrated to the new Facebook Timeline style profile. At first, the change only affected personal users but, on March 30, 2012, every registered user of Facebook will sport the new design. That includes businesses.

Historically, changes to Facebook are met with a whole spectrum of emotions ranging from utter glee to downright despair. Virtually every change has led to people setting up groups lamenting the new style. “Give us back our old Facebook”, they shout; interestingly, it’s probably the same people who months later are shouting about the next change. Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

6 Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Generating traffic to your website is an evolving endeavour; it never stops and requires constant attention. Thankfully, there are various proven techniques and ways to drive web traffic.

6 Ways You Can Drive Web Traffic

  1. Relevant Quality Content: The content you post must be relevant to the target audience. Some websites focus on the quantity of the material focusing on the mantra that the more is always better. Quality content is what will drive and keep your readers on your website. Constantly evaluate the objective and compare the content of your website to the relevance of your goals. Click Here to Read Article …
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UCreative: A New Social Network for Creative Professionals

Editor’s Note: This is a sponsored post.

Have you ever had the need to belong? Be with people who share the same interest, talk about the same thing and learn from their experiences? Isn’t it one of the reasons behind the success of social media?

Social media has come a long way. It has made it possible for us to reach certain groups of people in a faster, more efficient manner. It has also made it easier for us to communicate like never before. Click Here to Read Article …

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Enrich Your Life – Go on a Digital Sabbatical

Once a week, I disconnect my modem and “disappear” from the Internet. I don’t check my e-mails, I don’t tweet or share anything on Facebook, I don’t surf. And unless I’m expecting any urgent messages, I even turn off my mobile phone. My decision to go on a weekend digital sabbatical is my way of balancing my tight schedule and quieting my monkey mind.

Social web strategist Gwen Bell is perhaps one of the most popular proponents of the digital sabbatical. For the whole month of July, Gwen decided to get unplugged and vowed that for the whole month that she won’t check e-mails, tweet, read blogs or do any digital work. Click Here to Read Article …

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