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6 Ways to Stay Fit in College

6 Ways to Stay Fit in College

While in college, you will have certain demands on your time: parties, dating, friends, and, of course, school work. However, just because you’re studying and partying every day doesn’t mean that you can neglect your body.

In fact during college, when you are likely to be consuming copious amounts of alcohol and unhealthy food, you need to make sure that you are remaining healthy.

Keeping fit while at college is extremely important, and so here are just a few tips for how you can make sure that you remain active without impeding your study time. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Secrets to Stop Worrying

5 Secrets to Stop Worrying

Worry is a very bad habit that keeps us trapped in anticipation, fearing that bad things may happen and expecting the worst.

It is more than an aggravating tendency, it is a waste of good energy that could be put into more productive pursuits.

The great American philanthropist Dale Carnegie pointed out that worrying was a time-wasting exercise. He asked people to consider the following questions.

“Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago? How did they work out? Didn’t you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them? Didn’t most of them turn out all right after all?” Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Sleep Better

There is now a lot of scientific evidence that we are not getting enough sleep and not only is that making us grumpy in the morning, it is costing the global economy billions of dollars in lost productivity.

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control has estimated that about 30 percent of the American population doesn’t get enough sleep.

Researchers at Harvard University said that in 2011 this cost the American economy over $60 billion a year!

On an individual basis we know that we just aren’t at our best when we don’t sleep well and while we can get by for a while on little sleep, it can have a disastrous impact on our health and our work in the long term.

So getting a better night’s sleep is a good thing, right? Here are five ways to get a better night’s sleep. Click Here to Read Article …

Five Ways to Reinvent Yourself

Have you ever wanted to be someone different, or to reinvent yourself?

Still you of course, but with a more interesting and varied life? Maybe even have a better job, look better, be more healthy, or just cooler?

If that is you, then you are not alone. Most of us want to have some or all of that happen in our lives. But the truth is that except for a few brave souls, it remains a dream or a series of items on a wish list. So how do you transform your life or just reinvent yourself in your current life?

It’s not easy, but it can be done. Here are five areas to focus on if you want to reinvent yourself. You will notice that they all involve change. If you are willing to do the work to change then you can have the transformation you desire. If not, then you’ll just have to keep dreaming about it. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Secrets to Effective Communication

4 Secrets to Effective Communication

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

The inability to clearly communicate is one of the single most problematic issues in life.

Poor communication can ruin relationships, thwart business endeavors, and even start wars. Imagine how much of an impact effective communication can your own life, whether it be in your relationships or at your job.

If you want to communicate better, and subsequently improve your personal and business relationships, you first need to understand how to communicate clearly. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Deal with Criticism

Recently I received an email from a coworker, clearly angry in tone, berating my performance on a project I completed. My first reaction was irritation, then defensiveness, then I resorted to blaming everyone that did or didn’t have a hand in the project.

As a perfectionist, I have a tough time taking criticism from anyone – no matter how loving the source. Why allow others to put their two cents in when I’m already dealing with an overly-critical inner self?

But once the defensiveness subsided and I had handled the situation to the best of my ability, I was able to recognize something extremely important – if I were to remove the emotion from the situation and simply see it as neutral bits of information he was trying to convey, I could actually agree with several of the things he was saying.

In trying to protect my ego, I had stopped listening and shut down – a reaction that wasn’t helping him or me.

Here are a few tips I’ve discovered from dealing with criticism in the workplace. Click Here to Read Article …

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Winning at the Confidence Game

The confidence game is tough. Remember when you were first starting out in the job market. You had a great education, you were youthful and energetic and you were willing to do anything to prove yourself.

Then you started applying for jobs and they told you that you looked great, but come back when you had some experience and they would hire you. Confidence is like that. You have to believe in yourself and give yourself a chance first, before you know exactly how to do it.

The good news though is that confidence is like riding a bicycle. When you first start it looks impossible, but many bruised shins and knees later you master the technique, and once you start rolling it goes on almost by itself. You never have a problem riding a bike after that.

Once you start gaining confidence you’ll be surprised at how it easy it is to get moving and to keep it up.

So how can you master the confidence game? Here are a few tips that will get your wheels rolling. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Easy Tips to Help Those Who Think Too Much

5 Easy Tips to Help Those Who Think Too Much

Have you ever been stuck on a problem and the more you thought about it, the harder it seemed to solve? You’re not alone.

Six years ago I was a single mom, working full time as a behavior therapist for families of children with serious behavior problems. As my job became more stressful, I became lost in a dense, dark forest of chaos.

Not wanting to spend my life lost in the woods, I learned a secret: sometimes the answers to your conundrums are below the surface of the conscious working brain and surprisingly the answer is to stop “trying” so hard to fix it. Click Here to Read Article …

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