It’s been a great 2010 at WorkAwesome. We’ve discussed everything from how to be more productive (no matter the time of day or situation), how to balance work with home life and offered ways to help you land that job you’ve been working toward. As 2010 comes to a close, we’d like to highlight some of the best posts WorkAwesome had to offer this year. Click Here to Read Article …
What to Do With Your Delicious Bookmarks
Delicious is leaving a bad taste in Web surfers’ mouths by announcing it may not be around for much longer. Yahoo, which owns it, is looking to sell or shut down Delicious.
Avid Delicious users are in a panic at the thought of not being able to access their bookmarks. Luckily, there is a way to export Delicious bookmarks.
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How to Feel Better in the Wintertime
During the winter, it can feel like the forces of nature are conspiring to keep you from going anywhere or doing anything. Just getting to work can feel like an epic battle. With winter upon us, the increasing darkness and freezing temperatures can feel downright oppressive at times, and it can be tough to stay energized and motivated.
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https://bit ly/30V63iQ, https://bit ly/3qnGrUv, https://bit ly/3srjYIW, how to feel better, winter makes me depressed, HOW TO FEEL BETTER IN WINTER, how to feel better in the winter
5 Ways to Eliminate Home Office Distractions
There are many distractions that you face while working from a home office. These distractions can include social networking, housework, children, and plain old-fashioned unaccountability. All of the above distractions can make it difficult to perform your necessary tasks effectively and in the time required by your deadlines. The funny thing about working from home is the benefits that come from your home office are most often the very things that bring distraction to your work. They become the downfalls that drive you back to a corporate setting.
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Season’s Greetings from WorkAwesome
Just a quick post to wish all of our readers, listeners and contributors a very happy holiday season. Thanks to all of you for making this past year such a fantastic experience and here’s to an awesome year ahead.
We’ve had a pretty amazing year and are primed and ready for 2011. We hope your year has been awesome in all aspects of your work and life. Now’s the time of year to look back, reflect and give thanks — as well as to look ahead to what the future will bring.
Enjoy the season — make it awesome!
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Does Your Office Kitchen Make You Scream?

We have a sign posted above the sink in our office kitchen. It reads:
WANTED: DISHWASHERS! Former dishwasher has dishpan hands. Please take a few moments and do your own dishes. Thank you!
And underneath that sign is a sink full of dirty, smelly dishes.
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Exclusive Holiday Giveaway: 52 Weeks to Awesome
It’s time for our second holiday giveaway, this one offered up by The Connection Revolution. It’s a slot in their upcoming 52 Weeks
to Awesome course.
This course is going to last for — you guessed it — 52 weeks and each participant will take baby steps on a week-by-week basis to a more awesome life. Pace and Kyeli (the forces behind The Connection Revolution) have put together this comprehensive and yet accessible course that aims to bring more awesomeness into the world…one person at a time. Click Here to Read Article …