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Declutter Your Desktop In 6 Steps

When was the last time you paid attention to your desktop? If you are someone like me who lives in his browser, the only time you see your desktop is when you restart the computer. After that, it’s all about the browser.

While you don’t visit your desktop often, most of you keep downloading stuff off of the web and saving it there. Also, the programs you install usually create a desktop shortcut automatically. The result is a messy desktop with icons, folders and files scattered all over. And it’s only later, when it takes 10 minutes to find the file you saved there, you realize that a disorganized desktop isn’t good for your productivity.

To help you get rid of this problem, I’ve offered six tried (yes, I myself implemented them) and tested steps. Click Here to Read Article …

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Memo:Random #37


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Giving Dressing Up a Dressing Down

WorkAwesome has offered quite a few articles about dressing professionally. Some suggest that helps you to get promoted and gain respect in the workplace. It’s certainly good advice; dressing well is a positive statement about your attitude and preparedness. But, how big of a statement is it? Should we be taking such care to “look sharp,” or have the effects been embellished?

There’s an obvious correlation between higher-level jobs and better dress, but perhaps it’s a classic “chicken or the egg” conundrum: Which comes first? Are people promoted or hired due – in part – to their professional appearance, or do their high-level jobs enable (or require) them to dress better? Maybe the only reason that executives dress well is because they have to. Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Keys to Finding a Job in the Internet Age

Technology has changed how most of us do our jobs. It’s also changed how we find jobs. The Internet allows us to find job listings all over the world.

But it does more than give us unlimited classifieds. It offers new ways to connect to people who are looking for candidates and for candidates to screw up the opportunity.

Don’t let it happen to you. Here are some concepts you need to master when it comes to finding a job using technology and the Internet. Click Here to Read Article …

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Inspirational Quotes for Work

Do inspirational quotes affect your daily life? Do you surround yourself with them in your cubicle or work space? I have found that being constantly surrounded by quotes is something that helps me get by, especially when I’m not having a real motivating day. Inspirational quotes for work are, of course, just words. But if you heed what they have to say, they could aid you in your working and personal life. Click Here to Read Article …
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Are You Truly Being Productive?

When you’re a productivity hound, you’re nearly considered a hero. You’re praised for your ability to do a ton of work in a day, and your productivity is exalted.

There’s a problem with being productive, though. Productivity is quantity-based, not quality-based. This means its purpose is simply to get things done – doesn’t matter what.

And while you might get lots of praise for being able to multitask like a ninja and move heaven and earth, the truth is that moving stuff around isn’t very useful.

Well, it is if your goal is just to get things done. But if your goal is to achieve more for your business, your productivity may just need to be revisited. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Create an Engaging and Effective Bio Page

When building out your website or blog, one of the most important—and frustrating—tasks at hand is creating your bio page. We can write for days about our topic of expertise, but when it comes to writing about ourselves, it’s tempting to cower under the desk and hope the need will pass.

Your bio page, however, is arguably the most important page of your site. It’s where you define and contextualize yourself to an audience of strangers in a concise and accessible format—it’s your landing page, and it’s where a big chunk of your traffic will end up. Understandably, the fear of not getting it right can be paralyzing. But rather than being daunted by the blank page with no idea how to proceed, here are some questions and tips to help structure the creation of your bio page. Click Here to Read Article …

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Listen, Social Media Expert! Tweeting is Easy, Marketing is Hard

Facebook, Twitter and similar services can make connecting with your customers a breeze. It can quickly foster relationships with new clients and create a community around your products or services. But, having a true mastery of these platforms goes well beyond the simple ability to use them. It’s not that difficult to get a basic social media campaign running, but it is hard to build one that is actually generating revenue or visibility for your business. So, think carefully before putting a phrase like “social media guru” on your resume, or taking on a new social media initiative at work. If you don’t have true marketing skills, a commitment of real resources from your company and a solid chunk of daily time to dedicate, it could land you in a serious bind. Click Here to Read Article …

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