Displaying All Posts tagged with time management

9 Tips for Balancing Work and School

9 Tips for Balancing Work and School

If you are like most students, you probably have to earn at least some money to keep up with living expenses.

You may even need to earn wages to offset some of the costs of your tuition and other educational expenses.

This means getting, at the very least, a part-time job.

Some students are able to balance work and school with no issues.

However, these students often do not have challenging class schedules, nor do they have particularly challenging jobs.

If you are in rigorous classes, if you work many hours per week, or if you have a job that is mentally or physically taxing, balancing work and studying becomes a big task to overcome. Don’t be discouraged. Many people have made it through college while also working. Click Here to Read Article …

8 Easy Ways to Be Productive

8 Easy Ways to Be Productive

Everyone is so busy these days.

There is just so much to do, and it seems like 24 hours in a day is just not enough.

Every Monday, opening my Evernote, I promise myself to have a hyper-productive week.

I’ll finally cross off all those long-lasting tasks and have a brand new list of brand new tasks.

And then they come — emails, meetings, casual “do me a favors.”

Sounds familiar, right? By mid-week, when I become a bit tired, the greatest enemy comes: procrastination. After so many interruptions, only high importance and urgent tasks get to be crossed of the list, and next Monday the vicious circle continues. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Apps to Manage Your Time

4 Apps to Manage Your Time

Do you have a lot to do but find yourself unable to get as much done as you wanted?

If so, you might need some help with time management.

Time management skills aren’t something everyone has.

Some of us don’t do well with a schedule and often lose track of time.

With a little practice and some useful tools, you can learn to manage your time more effectively. By doing so, your life will become a lot easier and, overall, more enjoyable. Click Here to Read Article …

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Is Your Efficiency Obsession a Problem?

Is Your Efficiency Obsession a Problem?

Work fast and die young. That seems to be the motto of professional world.

You are constantly rushing yourself to work faster in order to get a promotion or pay rise.

Or you think that if you finish your work faster, you could go home earlier.

But it never happens.

Instead, you receive more of the same work.

At the best, you catch some minor benefits that sugarcoat your fail. The only thing you always receive is yet again more advice to work faster. Click Here to Read Article …

Your Lunch Hour Guide: 7 Tips to Make the Most of It

Your Lunch Hour Guide: 7 Tips to Make the Most of It

For many of us, the working day can become monotonous, and this can really hinder our productivity.

A lot of us have tasks that need to be completed before the end of the day — having free reign over how to go about our work days is a luxury most of us just don’t have.

Our lunch hour is the one part of the day that is ours to take advantage of.

It’s a time we should be using to its full potential, and not just sitting at our desks eating lunch.

Through the years of working an office job, I’ve been exploring new ways to enjoy my lunch breaks instead of wasting the one part of my work day that I can call my own. Click Here to Read Article …

Your Guide to Better Communication in 5 Steps

Your Guide to Better Communication in 5 Steps

Even though communication skills are vital in our personal and professional lives, we rarely receive instruction or opportunities to improve them.

If you are a great communicator, you’ll be able to get your message across more quickly, boost your productivity and improve the performance of your team.

You’ll never lose time repeatedly communicating the same message or hold meetings that are ineffective.

Have a look at these five tips to help you become a better communicator. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Tips to Successfully Juggle School and Full-Time Work

4 Tips to Successfully Juggle School and Full-Time Work

Being able to devote your time solely to school was so twentieth century.

These days, with ever-rising tuition costs, more people are working to put themselves through school.

Also, it’s becoming increasingly common to continue one’s education to take careers to the next level.

Whatever takes you to higher learning, the idea isn’t just to get a degree but to learn as much as possible.

The demands of studying while working full time might tempt you to take shortcuts or concede that you’re only sort of doing college. Here are some tips to get the most out of earning a degree while still on the job. Click Here to Read Article …

The Best Software to Integrate Video Conferencing Into Your Office

The Best Software to Integrate Video Conferencing Into Your Office

If your business has any remote workers, the ability to communicate with your employees is an integral part of your success.

All of your workers are going to need to be up-to-date on topics discussed during meetings as well as informed of company goals and their responsibilities in achieving them.

Unfortunately, communicating this amount of information to all of your remote workers who may live in different time zones or have different schedules can quickly turn into a chore.

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution that is well within the reach of any business owner.

Video conferencing is by far the easiest way to make sure your remote employees have all of the information they need to succeed in your company, as it allows them full access to your company’s meetings wherever they are. Click Here to Read Article …

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