Displaying All Posts tagged with Work-Life Balance

8 Ways to Forget About Work…and Have Fun!

8 Ways to Forget About Work…and Have Fun!

Switching off from work is something many of us find difficult. We want the work-life balance but can find our minds are still consumed with thoughts of work when we are not there. Here are some tips to help you switch off:

1. Create a Ritual

Mark a line in the sand to signal the end of your work day. This is important whether you work from home or away. If you wear a uniform at work, you could change when you arrive home. Having a shower is another great way to wash the work day away. If you have an hour’s commute home you could decide that you will allow yourself time to ruminate over the day and upon arriving at home, you “switch” off. Find some way to delineate the work day from your leisure time.

2. Unplug

Unless it is part of your contract or job, get in the habit of unplugging from work when you are not there. You don’t have to be connected 24/7. Turn off your phone and laptop. We might think that being continuously available is what is expected of us, but often we are the ones who put these expectations on ourselves. If your boss or colleagues do expect you to be at the end of the phone or email outside work, set a new boundary around your home time. Explain what you are doing and how it will work and what you are willing to do, you don’t have to be inflexible. Be clear and assertive. Your actions could help change an unhealthy workplace habit.
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9 Tips for Balancing Work and School

9 Tips for Balancing Work and School

If you are like most students, you probably have to earn at least some money to keep up with living expenses.

You may even need to earn wages to offset some of the costs of your tuition and other educational expenses.

This means getting, at the very least, a part-time job.

Some students are able to balance work and school with no issues.

However, these students often do not have challenging class schedules, nor do they have particularly challenging jobs.

If you are in rigorous classes, if you work many hours per week, or if you have a job that is mentally or physically taxing, balancing work and studying becomes a big task to overcome. Don’t be discouraged. Many people have made it through college while also working. Click Here to Read Article …

Is Your Efficiency Obsession a Problem?

Is Your Efficiency Obsession a Problem?

Work fast and die young. That seems to be the motto of professional world.

You are constantly rushing yourself to work faster in order to get a promotion or pay rise.

Or you think that if you finish your work faster, you could go home earlier.

But it never happens.

Instead, you receive more of the same work.

At the best, you catch some minor benefits that sugarcoat your fail. The only thing you always receive is yet again more advice to work faster. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Balance Your Career Goals with Family

How to Balance Your Career Goals with Family

Don’t apologize for wanting to be an achiever.

You’re willing to work hard.

You take the extra assignment.

You want to do whatever is necessary to get ahead.

While some today use overachiever as a derogatory term, you reach for the higher rung — with the best of motives.

If your aim is excellence for the sake of your ego, you’re likely headed for failure. But if you want to shine for the benefit of others, for your employer or because of your faith, you might be amazed at what comes of your efforts.

Still you must be careful to remember what really matters. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways Freelancers Can Deal With Isolation

5 Ways Freelancers Can Deal With Isolation

Freelancers don’t have to drop coins into the office coffee fund or attend largely pointless meetings.

Many of us can work in a library or a coffee shop, or on our backyard deck, where the only sound is chickadees or mourning doves.

But as nice as these things are, they can cause loneliness and isolation.

For some, this might mean a long day before the significant other comes home; for others, a feeling of just not being connected.

Sometimes this can mean feeling like freelancing isn’t “real” work or that one is cut off from the industry (accounting, graphic design, writing) at large.

So, here are some ways to cope if you’re feeling isolated in a bad way, rather than free in a good way. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

The quick pop of eggplant yielding to the knife; the warmth of steam ghosting from the colander; the joy of turning over a chicken breast to find it richly brown.

What is more authentic and soul-stirring than cooking?

And that’s what this post is all about — the need of a freelancer to do all he or she can to maintain authentic experiences to renew one’s spirit during hard weeks of toil.

Some freelancers — with no 9-to-5 schedule and a work day that may seem to have no end — eat frozen meals from sad paper trays or order takeout or stop by the fast food place. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Steps to Creating More Time

5 Steps to Creating More Time

Good Morning! You plop down at your desk and boot up your computer. Congratulations, you have 100 new emails.

Your boss stops by, “Hey! Can you meet with a new vendor at 2:30? Thanks.”

Ring, Ring. “Hello. Development is questioning the need for 3 new interfaces. Can you meet with us in 15 minutes? See you soon.” Click! Aaaaahhhh!

On days like these, you silently wish Doc Brown would appear with a brand new Delorean Time Machine, don’t you? Everyone could use more time.

But, let’s face it; Marty McFly spent most of his time fixing family crises. He had no time to finish his TPS reports or build out his amazing presentation to help reduce “Scope Creep.”

So, how do you get more time to increase your productivity without worrying about the space-time continuum? Here you go: Click Here to Read Article …

How to Be a Happier Freelancer

How to Be a Happier Freelancer

You get up to receive your fax.

The bespectacled personal assistant at the next table is muttering into her laptop.

Two writers are talking about the crazy demands of their clients.

You feel a part of something, happy to be around people going through the same thing you are.

This is the essence coworking spaces, office areas owned by a company or organization and used by freelancers as their office space.

They make use of resources such as photocopiers, fax machines, even coffee makers. Coworking is becoming more accepted, popular, and available.

One does have to pay periodical fees to use coworking facilities. So what justifies the price? Here are some good reasons to consider taking your home business into coworking spaces. Click Here to Read Article …