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How to Accelerate Your Career After-Hours

Last February, Joseph Lewis wrote about the 21st Century Career. One of the major points he discussed was the need to continue developing job skills outside of the nine to five job. However, resources are lacking in terms of just how to do this.

In case you missed what a 21st Century Career is, it entails a shift from working decades for the same business or industry, to a more serial style career where you progressively move up every 2-5 years in different companies. Today a career isn’t defined so much by the company you work for, but by the unique set of job skills you acquire from experiences inside and outside of the workforce.

Like Joseph said,

“If your only professional endeavor is to spend 8 hours a day at a desk shuffling papers for someone who is ready to retire, then your career is already in trouble.”

So how do you succeed in a world that is quickly changing the idea of the career?
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Stress from Business Travel: How to Avoid it

If your job has you on the road, you have to be on the ball about taking care of yourself, otherwise a few months into a heavy business travel circuit will leave you baggy eyed, flabby, and exhausted, with a messy apartment on top of it. You can beat the stress and maintain optimum health and sanity by recognizing the common business travel pitfalls, and then learning how to avoid them. Click Here to Read Article …

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3 Steps to Follow Your Passion

3 Steps to Follow Your Passion

Despite high unemployment, bad housing numbers, and near nuclear meltdowns,  more and more people are leaving their day jobs to pursue their passion.

Take my friend Dan, who left a comfy 9 to 5 to pursue his dream of becoming a Bikram Yoga instructor and is currently travelling the country on his bicycle.  Now that’s inspiring. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Wake up to an Awesome Day

How to Wake up to an Awesome Day

If you wake up to a  morning that isn’t 100% clear thoughts, smiles and motivation, you’re not alone. In fact, only one-third of all people surveyed consider themselves a “morning person,” according to Research House. However even for creatures of the night, the benefits of a motivated morning are hard to deny.

According to MedPage, “a new study has found that college students who consider themselves ‘morning people’ are more likely to have better grades than those who are ‘evening people’. In fact, the benefit of being a morning person was a full letter-grade difference.” So, whether you are a student or a 9–5 business professional, psyching yourself up to work awesome is crucial! Click Here to Read Article …

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Working from Home? How to Stay Sane

Working from Home? How to Stay Sane

Though many people dream of working designing their own work schedule and getting projects done in their pajamas, working from home isn’t always a picnic. Yet, if you have taken the telecommuter option or have embarked upon a home-based business, here are a few tips to keep you sane, thriving, and productive on the home front.

Set Up Your Working Space

Though the basement level of your home may seem like the ideal place to set up your home office, if there’s no sunlight and it’s cold and musty, chances are you won’t be very productive there. The kitchen table isn’t a great option either—constant traffic and homework mixed in with your work files doesn’t contribute to your productivity. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Productivity Tools for the Busy Freelancer

5 Productivity Tools for the Busy Freelancer

Do you struggle for productivity? I, for one, find it hard to stay focused and productive all the time. It is often easy to lose focus with a ton of buzzing social networks all around us. But the good news is there are tricks and tools to overcome distractions and constantly stay on track of productivity.

Here are 5 great apps I am using every day to efficiently manage my time online. They all help me to get tasks done faster than before. What’s more, their interface and design is super slick so finding your way around these tools shouldn’t take long. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Real Reason a Recruiter Isn’t Calling Back

The Real Reason a Recruiter Isn’t Calling Back

Have you experienced the frustration of a job search or tried seeking the attention of a recruiter?

If you’re looking for a job, you’ve probably encountered a million articles and how-to tips about how to dress at interviews, or the right way to format your resume.

The truth is, however, that the majority of them are missing the point. They’re addressing the problem of how to land the job after you’ve already gotten a call back.

The Myth of Equality

Many companies and the job boards behind them paint an idyllic picture of how recruitment works. They would often have you believe that the world is an utterly fair place and they evaluate each candidate on the basis of their skills and history. If this were true, your resume would have as much chance as any other person. Click Here to Read Article …

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HTMLform.com + WordPress: Gather Feedback with Style

Editor’s Note: This is a sponsored post. Did you teach a course to a group recently? Have you ever made a presentation before your co-workers? Do you usually write and distribute reports? If yes, did you bother to ask your colleagues their feedback or opinion about how it went? From a more commercial or business perspective, do you ask your customers their opinion about the products or services you provide? Do you have some sort of standard questionnaire available to your customers? Asking for opinions, feedback, gathering assessments about your work constitutes, in my opinion, the most powerful tool in our way to excellence. Click Here to Read Article …

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