Displaying All Posts from May, 2012

How to Think Outside the Box When Finding a Job

Think outside the box

With so much competition in the job market, how do you think outside the box and have a solid plan in place on how to get noticed? If you didn’t realize yet, it’s going to take a bit of innovation to set yourself apart. There are so many traditional ways of trying to get a job, but with recruiters receiving on average 75 resumes per job opening, how can you be the one that they choose to contact? Be creative! Do something well. . . awesome!

There are many unique ways to get employers to notice you. But getting noticed is just one piece of the puzzle. You need to keep their attention in order to potentially be handed that coveted job offer. Some ways to get their attention won’t change – like having an awesome resume – however, let’s look at three creative resume ideas you could try in addition: Click Here to Read Article …

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Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses

Task management

When it comes to running a small company effectively, task management is one of the keys to success. For many years, however, small business owners have had to deal with the added expense of hiring an IT expert to upgrade and maintain licensed software across their computer networks, which is why they are always looking for ways to cut this cost.

Fortunately, business software is much more affordable now that cloud-based applications give users a number of powerful tools that can be synced with desktops and mobile computing devices. Best of all, most apps can be scaled according to a company’s demand, which means that owners no longer have to worry about paying thousands of dollars for software features they don’t need. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Find & Delegate Tasks to Virtual Assistants

Have you ever watched, eyes green with envy, as administrative virtual assistants skillfully smooth away the bumps in an executive’s day?

If only,” you think, “I could afford to have someone like that to answer the phone, keep my calendar, keep me organized, make travel arrangements, keep up with social media, update my website, deal with customers, keep my books… (the list goes on) Then, I could really focus on the important things that will make my business or career thrive! But, alas, I don’t have the _____ (fill in the blank: money, time, know-how, office space, etc.) to hire someone like that.”

So you go on spinning through your days, bouncing from crisis to crisis while the important things remain undone. Click Here to Read Article …

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Prove Yourself! 5 Ways to Map Your Routine & Show Results

Prove Yourself

These days, it can be difficult to stand out from others in the workplace, whether you’re a newbie to the team or a seasoned veteran. Therefore, proving that you’re a viable and essential employee is an important task because you don’t want to be known as that employee, i.e. disposable. But how do you prove yourself?

Although we don’t all have the time to create a “work map,” it’s important to note where you want to go, how you plan on getting there, and what the outcome was, whether the objective was big or small. Click Here to Read Article …

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