Displaying All Posts tagged with advancement

How to Impress Your Boss

How to Impress Your Boss

We all want to impress our boss.

It’s kind of in our genes to try to please the person in authority in our life.

We’d like our boss to like us and to consider us when special opportunities or promotions come up.

Of course, it’s not just your winning personality that’s going to get you that consideration.

So here are five ways to wow your boss at work. Click Here to Read Article …

9 Tips for Balancing Work and School

9 Tips for Balancing Work and School

If you are like most students, you probably have to earn at least some money to keep up with living expenses.

You may even need to earn wages to offset some of the costs of your tuition and other educational expenses.

This means getting, at the very least, a part-time job.

Some students are able to balance work and school with no issues.

However, these students often do not have challenging class schedules, nor do they have particularly challenging jobs.

If you are in rigorous classes, if you work many hours per week, or if you have a job that is mentally or physically taxing, balancing work and studying becomes a big task to overcome. Don’t be discouraged. Many people have made it through college while also working. Click Here to Read Article …

How I Learned to Negotiate

How I Learned to Negotiate

I grew up with a group of brilliant and strong women all around me, but they all struggled with something I think a lot of people deal with — they could not negotiate. And neither could I.

My mother’s a professor with a science Ph.D. One grandma was a doctor in the 1940s. Her sister was as well. An aunt had been a dentist in the 1910s in Minsk.

My sister went from a fashion background to an MBA and business ownership and quickly learned the ropes.

I married a brilliant and strong woman who negotiates like second nature — and for pay, to great effect. The contrast, in some ways, could not be stronger. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Be Liked & Respected at Work

How to Be Liked & Respected at Work

If you think that work is just about getting the job done well and within deadlines, you better think twice.

Working is not just about what you do, but also how you get it done — these two ingredients combined make up your reputation.

And by now you must realize that reputation counts a lot in every kind of professional environment.

You’ll get promoted not only on the basis of what you do, but also on how others perceive what you can do.

Your actions will be interpreted by everyone at your workplace, and at some point you’ll need to decide what sort of relationships you’d like to develop at work. Would you rather be liked or respected?

Here are a few tips to help you deal with this issue and build a solid reputation in your field. Click Here to Read Article …

Boost Your Confidence with 1 Thing

Boost Your Confidence with 1 Thing

Admit it, you’re in a funk and feeling a lack of motivation or excitement for your career right now.

You rationalize that your job isn’t that bad.

You tell yourself you just need to pay your dues to get where you want to be.

When you feel like things are out of your control, it’s easy to simply ignore the problem and try to focus on football or throw yourself into fun plans with your friends.

If you’re honest with yourself, then you’ll realize the constant fun and ignoring the direction you are going in your life doesn’t really bring you pleasure.

There is a way to get out of the rut and boost your confidence, without waiting for things to magically fall into place. Click Here to Read Article …

7 LinkedIn Mistakes To Avoid

7 LinkedIn Mistakes To Avoid

LinkedIn has become a pivotal tool when searching for a job and offers users multiple benefits.

Your LinkedIn presence is becoming more and more crucial.

A respectable presence on the Internet is required as internal and external recruiters use it to source their talent.

In this day and age, it is an honest matter of brand or be branded.

If you fail to follow the best practices of a successful job search with LinkedIn professionals, they will assume: Click Here to Read Article …

How to Become a Leader

How to Become a Leader

Leaders are usually admired and envied by everyone around.

However, there are some people who find it relieving that they don’t have to take on big responsibilities.

But this attitude is not really getting them far — only those who take chances are likely to succeed.

What holds individuals back from speaking their mind?

All sorts of fears hold them back, most of them unconscious. Here are some helpful solutions and guidelines for overcoming these obstacles. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

Getting to know people in real life may be easy, but connecting with complete strangers online in hopes of gaining something from the exchange can be quite challenging.

It’s funny how every other advice-giver seems to love saying, “Make sure you network,” or “Try building connections,” without offering other pieces of crucial information concerning how on earth to do that!

The advice, it seems, is usually incomplete.

Every other Bob and Barbara knows that the networking game plays a major role when it comes to professions or career advancement.

What they can’t seem to figure out is how to approach a random stranger online and actually get them to trust what they have to say. Click Here to Read Article …