Displaying All Posts tagged with business

6 Steps to Creating Business Systems

6 Steps to Creating Business Systems

How many times have you heard, “You need to create systems for your business”?

But what does it actually mean?

Where do you start?

Where should you have systems?

How do you create them?

A system is basically a set of procedures, and a procedure is just a checklist or a step-by-step way of doing things. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Tips to Name Your New Business

4 Tips to Name Your New Business

Taking the huge step of starting your own business can be incredibly daunting.

But it is also a very exciting time and your chance to make your mark on your industry.

Choosing your business name is a large part of this.

Select the right name, and you’re able to pitch your business in an appealing way to your target audience.

Get it wrong, though, and you could be in for ridicule at best, legal complications at worst.

Here are three tips to help you choose your business name and avoid the pitfalls some others have made: Click Here to Read Article …

Banish “Perfect” From Your Business

Banish “Perfect” From Your Business

Put your hand up in the air if you’re a perfectionist!

​At one point in my life, my hand would have been raised in the air – high in the air.

I was definitely a perfectionist until I realized how being a perfectionist was actually holding me back from being as successful as I could be in my work as an international business coach.

I wrote this article in hopes that you don’t let this happen to you.

Perfectionist behavior is a tough topic. So many of us are passionate about what we do. We want to be the best that we can be, make the best things that we can make and give the best part of us that we can give. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons Entrepreneurship Isn’t as Risky as You Think

5 Reasons Entrepreneurship Isn’t as Risky as You Think

Have you been mulling over the idea you have about starting a business?

You think, “I could really start a company. I see these folks on Shark Tank. I could do that.”

You know that your corporate job is slowly crushing you, bit by bit.

But then you read somewhere that nine out of 10 new businesses fail, and it scares the hell out of you.

When you talk with your family and friends, they focus mostly on the risks, reinforcing your concerns.

You’re right to have some concerns, but there is no need to be scared, because you can beat the odds. Being an entrepreneur isn’t as risky as most people think, and here are five reasons why. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Become Financially Independent

How to Become Financially Independent

Financial independence is the dream many individuals aspire to reach.

The idea of being able to earn your own income is a worthwhile thing to pursue, and luckily if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re already a step ahead of the rest of the world.

On the other hand, just because you’re bringing in your own source of income at the moment doesn’t mean the situation is set in stone.

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur currently working for someone else, or an established business owner, here are a few steps you can take to protect and preserve your financial autonomy. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Productivity Hacks for More Time in Your Business

There is no doubt cloud-based apps help you grow your business successfully and let you provide a better overall experience for your customers.

But as you grow, a tipping point emerges that can make you feel like you are working for your apps — moving data and repeating data entry — instead of having them work for you.

Most independent and home-based businesses now use at least five cloud-based apps, including email, marketing, project management software, online calendars, invoicing and book-keeping, and cloud-based storage services.

This is great when you are starting up: Each cloud app will help you to organize your business operations without having to invest in licensed software. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Keep Up with the Daily Grind

How to Keep Up with the Daily Grind

If your work gets you down and you feel what you’re doing every day is beneath you, how do you keep up with the daily grind?

I’ve been there. I was an intern working at a job that didn’t feel like it was contributing to the world’s wellbeing as much as pushing numbers around. I was there again when I started my first business, setting up web sites and getting caught up in the little stuff all the time.

I knew I had a lot more in me to give, but the day to day work I was doing was not of the calibre I knew it could be. But it was paying the rent and putting food on the table. Click Here to Read Article …

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Successfully Mixing Business with Pleasure

Successfully Mixing Business with Pleasure

Mixing business with pleasure can be a tricky task. It requires delicate balance and tactful strategy. There are those who say, “Don’t do it.” Then, there are those who have built large corporations and successful businesses as a result of doing it. Regardless on which side of the debate you stand, the ability to mix business with pleasure is a required business skill. There are always going to be people that must be dealt with on both sides of the playing field. Here are some tips to help you successfully integrate business and pleasure.
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