Displaying All Posts tagged with Work-Life Balance

Are You a Victim of Performance Punishment?

Ever experience performance punishment? Imagine if Derek Jeter were so valuable to the (then) Greensboro Hornets they would never allow him to progress through the developmental leagues and on to the fabled career in the majors he (and baseball fans around the world!) now enjoys.

Or, what if the Cleveland Cavaliers gave LeBron James the keys to the kingdom to incentivize him to play out his entire career in a secondary media market with a slim chance of ever winning a championship? Click Here to Read Article …

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Enrich Your Life – Go on a Digital Sabbatical

Once a week, I disconnect my modem and “disappear” from the Internet. I don’t check my e-mails, I don’t tweet or share anything on Facebook, I don’t surf. And unless I’m expecting any urgent messages, I even turn off my mobile phone. My decision to go on a weekend digital sabbatical is my way of balancing my tight schedule and quieting my monkey mind.

Social web strategist Gwen Bell is perhaps one of the most popular proponents of the digital sabbatical. For the whole month of July, Gwen decided to get unplugged and vowed that for the whole month that she won’t check e-mails, tweet, read blogs or do any digital work. Click Here to Read Article …

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Healthy Eating Habits for an Awesome Work Day

When you think about it, it makes absolutely no sense that we tend to pay less attention to healthy eating when we’re super busy and rocking it out at the office for more hours in a day than we quite possibly should be. In fact, beyond even eating healthy foods, statistics now say that 1 out of 10 workers don’t even take a lunch break, and of the rest who do take one, most only take 45 minutes. Click Here to Read Article …

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Stress from Business Travel: How to Avoid it

If your job has you on the road, you have to be on the ball about taking care of yourself, otherwise a few months into a heavy business travel circuit will leave you baggy eyed, flabby, and exhausted, with a messy apartment on top of it. You can beat the stress and maintain optimum health and sanity by recognizing the common business travel pitfalls, and then learning how to avoid them. Click Here to Read Article …

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Boss, Can I Go Telecommuting?

Telecommuting is not really new to the business community. A CNN Money article reveals that multinational companies like Cisco Technologies, S.C. Johnson, and Accenture have at least 20% of their employees telecommute. In 2008, data shows that close to 20 million US workers telecommute.

If your company hasn’t embraced yet the idea of telecommuting, how do you convince management to give it a try? What should you do to justify this work arrangement? What are the benefits of telecommuting for both the employee and the company?

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How to Quit Your Job – 5 Steps to Transition Into a New Career

While travelling in Dallas for work, I picked up a book titled One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher. It spoke about how wearing many hats and not being tied down to a full-time job can work for you. In the first few chapters,I made an instant connection: There were a lot of people with dynamic careers out there in the world — just like me — who wanted to know how to quit their full-time job!

I’m a Corporate Banker/Real Estate Agent/Writer/Board Chair for my local Boys & Girls Club. For a long time, I was my biggest critic about these several slashes. I thought to myself, “Okay, Cat, you’ve proved that you can do a lot. . . now pick one. . . one!” Click Here to Read Article …

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Identifying Your Red Zone of Success

In American football, there’s something called the “Red Zone.” It’s the part of the field inside the twenty yard line, and performance (both offensively and defensively) inside this area is one of the key determining factors of a team’s success or failure.

Teams that easily advance the ball down the field but can’t score in the Red Zone will lose football games. Similarly, teams that play great open field defense but can’t prevent scores in the Red Zone will lose. Performance within this very small sliver of the field often determines overall success or failure for a team. Click Here to Read Article …

Working from Home? How to Stay Sane

Working from Home? How to Stay Sane

Though many people dream of working designing their own work schedule and getting projects done in their pajamas, working from home isn’t always a picnic. Yet, if you have taken the telecommuter option or have embarked upon a home-based business, here are a few tips to keep you sane, thriving, and productive on the home front.

Set Up Your Working Space

Though the basement level of your home may seem like the ideal place to set up your home office, if there’s no sunlight and it’s cold and musty, chances are you won’t be very productive there. The kitchen table isn’t a great option either—constant traffic and homework mixed in with your work files doesn’t contribute to your productivity. Click Here to Read Article …

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