Displaying All Posts tagged with distractions

4 Apps to Manage Your Time

4 Apps to Manage Your Time

Do you have a lot to do but find yourself unable to get as much done as you wanted?

If so, you might need some help with time management.

Time management skills aren’t something everyone has.

Some of us don’t do well with a schedule and often lose track of time.

With a little practice and some useful tools, you can learn to manage your time more effectively. By doing so, your life will become a lot easier and, overall, more enjoyable. Click Here to Read Article …

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4 Reasons to Stop Banning Social Media at Work

4 Reasons to Stop Banning Social Media at Work

There is no denying that the typical office environment has changed over the last decade, with the majority of employees now sitting in front of a computer screen for long periods of time.

The once-seen boundary between work and life has become blurred, predominantly due to social media becoming increasingly utilized in business for marketing purposes.

For many employers, allowing for social media use in the workplace would be absurd.

In fact, 42 percent of employers prohibit workers from using social media altogether.

And perhaps, this makes sense, as social media is widely understood to be time-consuming, mindless and useless. Click Here to Read Article …

Boost Productivity: Kill These 3 Distractions

Boost Productivity: Kill These 3 Distractions

Have you ever been behind your computer, working away in the zone, when you hear a little “blurp” from a Facebook notification on one of your open browser tabs?

That’s the sound of DISTRACTION.

It could be a notification for an email, your cell phone ringing or even someone walking by your desk to chat.

So after you hear the Facebook “blurp,” you stop working and go to Facebook to watch a funny cat video you were tagged in. Then you hit the feed.

You lose track of time and attention, and the next thing you know you’re late for your meeting. The work you were doing before that is now postponed and will have to wait for later.

Today I want to address the three biggest distractions standing in your way of doing real work and how to avoid them.If you want to start using time efficiently, improve your office productively and challenge yourself to break these habits, read on! Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Get More Done At Your Home Office

5 Ways to Get More Done At Your Home Office

When I first started working from home, I was still on someone else’s clock. I was lucky enough to have a boss who would be cool with us occasionally working in our home office.

Of course, at this point, I didn’t have a home office. I had a room. Since my housemates kept odd schedules, they were often home when I was working.

It was then that I learned how to avoid distractions while working at home. I couldn’t do my own thing — I was supposed to be working. Someone was paying me to do it!

Fast-forward a few years: I’d branched out on my own as a freelancer. This is when distractions became more easy to justify and harder on my wallet. If I kept vacuuming and knitting when I was supposed to be working, my paycheck wouldn’t appear. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Tips to Save Time & Do More

10 Tips to Save Time & Do More

The great Management guru Peter Drucker once said:

“Time is the scarcest resource of the manager;
if it is not managed, nothing else can be managed.”

If this is true for managers, then it must be true for the rest of us as well.

So how can we make the best use of this valuable resource?

Here are 10 ways to better manage your time at work. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Secrets to Stop Worrying

5 Secrets to Stop Worrying

Worry is a very bad habit that keeps us trapped in anticipation, fearing that bad things may happen and expecting the worst.

It is more than an aggravating tendency, it is a waste of good energy that could be put into more productive pursuits.

The great American philanthropist Dale Carnegie pointed out that worrying was a time-wasting exercise. He asked people to consider the following questions.

“Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago? How did they work out? Didn’t you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them? Didn’t most of them turn out all right after all?” Click Here to Read Article …

5 Simple Tools That Unleash Meaningful Work

5 Simple Tools That Unleash Meaningful Work

I recently watched a TED talk by Jason Fried of 37 Signals entitled Why Work Doesn’t Get Done at Work. The message was right on: The office has become a place of endless distraction; so much so that people seek anywhere but there to get their real work done. What happens is the real work ends up getting handled at home, on the weekends, super-early in the morning or days off.

Office distractions are almost an institution in the workplace. They can come in the form of impromptu meetings, Sharon from accounting stopping by your cube to clarify your latest expense report, or a buddy dropping in to kill some time. It’s endless.

The reality is that we cannot get meaningful work done in 15 or 20 minute increments, and office distractions regularly put us in that position. We must allow space for our minds to create the stuff that matters; we can’t command that to happen at a moment’s notice. Sometimes it can take the first hour just for the juices to start flowing, and then the last thing anyone wants to do (especially your boss) is interrupt that flow. Because once it’s gone, no one knows when it will return.

But it happens constantly. These tiny interruptions keep us from doing what matters. Well, I have a few suggestions that can work wonders in reclaiming our best work. In a word it comes down to focus (something deeply covered in 11 Steps to Insane Focus).
Click Here to Read Article …

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9 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Company

9 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Company

In order to reach their goals, some businesses ask their employees to work longer hours. While this is necessary in some cases, you may consider an alternative approach: finding ways to be more efficient with the time you have. Smart work can increase productivity more than hard work. Regardless of your businesses product or service, there are many ways to increase efficiency.

Consider the following 9 points: Click Here to Read Article …

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