Displaying All Posts tagged with team

Awesome Links #36: Mac Apps, Fitness, Getting More Freelance Work

How I Train: Fitness for the Everyperson
If you read Zen Habits regularly, you would know that its creator Leo Babauta likes to talk about his fitness and exercise routine. IAnd to think that just 5 years ago he was in terrible shape. In this post, he talks about his past and then about how he made himself fitter and healthier. Inspiring to say the least.

Fifteen Ways to Enjoy Your Work More—Whatever You Do
The FeelGooder blog has a great post which has some useful advice on how to really enjoy the daily grind at office — or wherever you work. Some of the tips are common sense while some — like doing your toughest work first — are something that not everyone knows about (or, more likely, implements).

My Essential Mac Applications
Boing Boing’s Mark Frauenfelder lists his essential Mac apps in this series of posts (Note: The above link lands on part 5 of the series; he links to the previous posts in this article, too). That means there’s a list of 25 useful Mac apps that the author felt he had to install on his new Mac shortly after purchasing it in order to be more productive. If you own a Mac (or are planning to buy one), I suggest you bookmark the post for quick access.
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Teamly: A Project Management App that Focuses on Priorities

If you’re anything like me, a good chunk of your day is spent staring at your to-do list, trying to figure out what is of highest priority and what to do next. After 20 minutes, you then end up just picking something random and hoping for the best.

Enter Teamly– a project management tool based on priorities. Teamly allows you to set 5 priorities on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.


Teamly takes priorities VERY seriously. In fact, the entire Dashboard revolves around them. When you log-in, you’re priorities are broken down by day, week, and month — and everything is color-coded. Red is new tasks, Yellow is started, and Green is completed. This allows you to easily know what the status of each priority is at a glance.

You can easily go forward or back in time to see what you’ve accomplished and what’s coming up. You can also easily re-order your priorities and attach priorities to a specific date.
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Popular search terms for this article:

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Team Player Vs. Self-Starter

Most of us fit into one of two productivity camps—team players and independent workers or “self-starters”. Some of us thrive on the camaraderie and brainstorming that occurs when a high-functioning workplace team gets together to work on a project, while others prefer the solitude and focus that working solo provides. Most people prefer one or the other, but managers like to see employees who can deliver the same results in either arrangement.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Your personality type has a huge influence on your preference. If you’re an extroverted people person, naturally you would prefer to work with others instead of solo. On the other hand, thoughtful, more introspective types commonly choose to work alone when possible.
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Leadership 101

There are two basic types of leaders; those in a leadership position, and those who lead.  One is called a leader because their title or level of seniority (or authority) says so, while one has a calling to be a leader.

It’s important to be able to tell the difference between the two. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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Why Providing Value in Your Job is Important

One of the first things that they taught me at Blogging School was how to flog my blog erm, I mean, how to promote readership. There are many ways to get people to your site, but the not-so-secret way to get them to stay, and willingly come back, is to provide them value. There has to be a compelling reason for them to take time out of their incredibly busy day to spend five or ten minutes reading whatever you wrote.

Whether it’s a comedic post, tips on how-to be a better whatever, or a discussion about a mutual love of Pez dispensers, providing content that lets the reader justify why they bothered going to your site is critical.

So how does this apply in the office world? Well, if you’re part of the company blog, it should be directly applicable. If not, here are a few ways to start thinking about how you can provide value to those around you: Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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