Displaying All Posts in the Home Office category

Benefits of Working at Home

There are many perks of working at home that people should explore. If done right, working at home could be one of the best decisions you will ever make. If you are currently seeking work-from-home employment, here are some benefits of working at home as well as some tips on how to go about it.


You Are Your Own Boss

When you have your job and set up your schedule, no one is breathing down your neck telling you what to do. If you work in an office, you will be told what to do by your boss. If you are not happy with the boss’ decision, you can always look for another job.

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Maintaining Social Connections While Working From Home

Maintaining Social Connections While Working From Home

Working from home can be a very relaxing experience, but it’s important to plan ahead to ensure you adapt to the new work environment. Staying connected to others is very important. Business relationships are extremely valuable in virtually every industry, and those who are setting up home offices often struggle to stay connected. You can actually improve your business relationships at home fairly easily.

I’ve personally found that relaxing at home can make it a lot easier to be productive and stay in touch with long-distance coworkers. Making a nice meal or preparing a drink are two luxuries you can’t normally experience in an office setting. Giving yourself time to relax may make you more productive, and you can always stay occupied by focusing on things you enjoy while working from home. Click Here to Read Article …

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7 Reasons to Send Your Workforce Home

7 Reasons to Send Your Workforce Home

Have you ever considered whether your office, the physical evidence of your “success,” could actually be killing your business?

After 10 years of having a buzzing team around me, I recently sent every single one of my employees home and closed the physical office doors forever.

Why? We went remote.

I’d heard about remote working many times before — many of my entrepreneurial friends have been doing it for years.

But I had a whole bunch of preconceptions, fears and concerns about all of the different reasons why remote working wouldn’t work for my business. Click Here to Read Article …

Is a Home Office Worth It?

Is a Home Office Worth It?

As a young or potential entrepreneur, renting out office space seems like a daunting idea right?

It’s a big commitment, especially when there is an alternative.

This is a topic that I encounter all the time.

With a growing number of people working from home nowadays, claiming the cost of rent or their mortgage repayments is becoming a hot topic, with most people thinking they can claim the full amount and that being that.

Unfortunately it’s not as straightforward as that. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

The quick pop of eggplant yielding to the knife; the warmth of steam ghosting from the colander; the joy of turning over a chicken breast to find it richly brown.

What is more authentic and soul-stirring than cooking?

And that’s what this post is all about — the need of a freelancer to do all he or she can to maintain authentic experiences to renew one’s spirit during hard weeks of toil.

Some freelancers — with no 9-to-5 schedule and a work day that may seem to have no end — eat frozen meals from sad paper trays or order takeout or stop by the fast food place. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Tools for More Productive Telecommuting

7 Tools for More Productive Telecommuting

More and more companies are letting their employees work from where they want to.

In other words, they are working remotely.

One of the best examples and success stories of a remote team is Buffer.

They built a strong culture of remote work within their company.

If you are considering building a remote team, I recommend that you read this post from Buffer founder: The Joys and Benefits of Working as a Distributed Team.

But working as a remote team can sometimes be tricky. In fact your team needs the right tools and techniques to make it work. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Things Your Home Office Really Needs

5 Things Your Home Office Really Needs

Setting up your home office is really fun and exciting and, if you aren’t careful, really expensive.

It’s so easy to be tempted by articles listing must-haves.

Yes, most of those articles are filled with products and services that would be nice to have and, sometimes, will even make running your business marginally easier.

At the same time, most of those articles are playing a little fast and loose with the term “need.”

Here are the only five things that you actually need in your home office to get your business up and running, and some of them aren’t even things at all. Click Here to Read Article …

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Your house doesn’t care whether you’re on a budget or have plenty of cash to spare.

When fixtures break down or the foundation cracks, you have to take care of them before the damage worsens.

Even if you are renting your home, you may be liable for the repairs.

These tips can help you handle the necessary tasks without going into debt or paying more than necessary. Click Here to Read Article …