As working from home and from the office is crossing over more and more these days, it’s becoming increasingly important to manage your computer files on multiple platforms. There are several ways to do this that will keep you moving forward and more productive as a result. Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:3 Great Job Interview Articles
In today’s job market, people are not only changing workplaces more than ever; they are altering their career paths as well. Being confident going into a job interview – either for a better position within your current place of employment or for a new employer altogether – can be a real challenge. Being prepared, however, is easy if you’ve been keeping tabs on where you are at in your career and where you’d like to be. It’s all about being proactive even when there may not be an immediate need.
Here are three articles that give you practical advice on how (and how not to) land that next job.
- How to Get Ready to Be Promoted – A guide on what to do to show your employer that you’re ready for the next step.
- Taking a Real Life Practice Interview – How to prepare yourself for what may just happen out of the blue.
- 6 Surefire Ways to Fail at Your Next Interview – Read between the lines and you’ll figure out what you need to do to impress.
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25 Examples of Super Creative Resume Design
In today’s job market, it sometimes takes a little extra ingenuity to get noticed. We’ve heard of people printing their resume on florescent paper, sending baked goods along with a cover letter, even buying online ads or renting billboards to promote themselves. While we don’t always recommend such extreme approaches (read up on Aleksey Vayner’s “Nothing is Impossible” video resume to see why), we have to admire the creativity of these 25 resume designs: Click Here to Read Article …
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Find Your Inner Zen at Work
You may have tasted Nirvana at last night’s yoga class, but by 9 A.M. the next day you’re as tense as ever. If only there was a way to experience that kind of renewal and relaxation throughout the work day.
The good news is that you can. Try these yoga-inspired strategies to help transform your work day into a more positive experience. Click Here to Read Article …
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The Benefits of Working from Home
Going to work in an office can be stressful and costly for both employee and employer. Thanks to technology many people have the option of working from home (or off-site at that warm beach somewhere!). For consultants and freelancers there are obvious reasons why you should work from home (you might not have another choice anyway!) but for full-time employees there are financial and personal advantages to working at least a couple days per week from home. Not every profession allows for this flexibility but if yours is one of the many that do, here are some benefits to look into for both employer and employee. Click Here to Read Article …
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In Conversation With: Sean Aiken of One-Week Job
While we’re all striving to have an awesome time working at one job, I scored an interview with a gentleman you managed to do so with 52 of them over the span of one year!
Introducing Sean Aiken, founder and “do-er” of The One-Week Job Project. I met Sean last year at a local TEDx event and after hearing about his project, I knew I had to keep up with his adventures. He’s been featured on several major news outlets (New York Times, CBC, CNN, 20/20, among others) and has authored a book on the subject and documented his story on film as well. During my conversation with Sean, he discusses the reasons he embarked upon this year long journey and what his results were. I can tell you that his book about it, entitled (appropriately) The One-Week Job Project is available now at fine bookstores – both online and not-so-online. He’s also completed his film and was showcasing it at a private premiere this week. Hopefully it’ll come to a theatre or television near you in the not-too-distant future. Click Here to Read Article …
How to Avoid Sucking
When I was a kid, there were several words that we were forbidden to use. Stupid was one. Jerk was another. There are seven other words that were strictly on the “you’d better not say” list as well…these words were also never heard on television, either. But there was another word we’d get scolded for if we used in any sentence.
That word was suck.
Let me clarify: we could use it when referring to the vacuum in a positive light or in terms of what said device was supposed to do. We could also use it to describe what we did with a straw. However we were not to use it to illustrate the performance of any person, place or thing. It was verboten.
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How to Handle Criticism at Work
Unlike the rest of the world, I was born perfect. Nothing needed to be changed about me from the moment I arrived, and I expect, until the moment I leave. It’s a bit challenging to be this perfect, but it’s my cross to bear, and I try to do it quietly.
Unless you’re like me, perfect, you might find occasions where your coworkers, partners, bosses, or even customers offer their opinion on how you could improve. Sometimes these suggestions are helpful, and sometimes they are physically impossible (is there somewhere that the sun doesn’t shine?), but what you do with these suggestions, and how you go about handling them, can have quite an impact on your career.
I have seen many different ways for people to cope with criticism, and here are few that seemed to be the most effective. For them, not for me. Remember, I was born perfect.
Click Here to Read Article …
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