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Why Resumes and Cover Letters Still Matter

Some people think that in this high-tech day and age that resumes and cover letters are no longer necessary.  I believe they not only still have a place, but are important.


Doesn’t a LinkedIn profile tell you everything you need to know? Aren’t these pages relics of an old way of hiring that is becoming obsolete?  Can’t social networks serve the purpose that resumes and cover letters did?

Barbara Hart, a hiring consultant who runs Hire Well, says maybe – but insists on getting a cover letter and resume from every job candidate who wants to go through her. Here’s why:

  • Too Much Information: LinkedIn is the social network for business people but it still has information she doesn’t need. In fact some of what it reveals cannot be legally considered for hiring.
  • Hard to Compare: Social media profiles aren’t standard enough to compare candidates. Resumes and cover letters are boring in that way. But boring and standard allow comparison between candidates.
  • Not All Employers Are That Savvy: It may be 2010, but some human resource departments just still want to do it the way they always have done it. They’re the ones with the job that you want. Do you really want to tell them they’re doing it wrong?
  • Not Print-Friendly: Have you tried to print your LinkedIn profile? Human resources wants to print or copy your resume and pass it around to hiring managers. Even if you save it as an electronic document and e-mail it, it’s print ready for them.

When it comes down to it, who’s life are you trying to make easier? Yours or the hiring manager? Trust me, hiring managers like employees who are trying to make their lives easier. Click Here to Read Article …

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Is Your Career Going Backwards? Reexamine Your Career Options

You work hard to advance your career, either sticking with one company and climbing the corporate ladder or moving from one company to another.  With each move you aim for more challenge, responsibility and more money in your pocket.

What happens however when you find your career advancement has stalled – or gone backwards?

Sometimes your career can go backwards through no fault of your own.  Your company has a major restructure (or two or three) and suddenly you find your role is not what it used to be.  Somewhere along the line, though your position title reads the same, your responsibilities have been significantly downgraded.  Though your workload may have actually increased, you find yourself filling your day with a variety of mundane tasks.

Suddenly it dawns on you that you cannot remember the last time you learned something new in your current position.  It’s official – you’re stuck in a rut.

So what are your career options? Click Here to Read Article …

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Burn Your Resume: Alternative Strategies to Get Your Dream Job

A dream job usually isn’t something conventional. Nor should your approach to getting hired. Have you ever thought of the whole resume process?  You spend many hours, and in some cases many dollars, creating – fabricating – a document for that your potential employer is going to probably dedicate less than 30 seconds to reading it.  Sure, there are going to be some occasions where they will read the whole resume because they are hoping to find that you have listed your hobbies, and you share a love of butterfly collecting.  But a happy coincident like that is a tad rare. Click Here to Read Article …

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The CV Toolkit – LinkedIn

In this second installment of The CV Toolkit, I’m going beyond the paper resumé and into something that’s emerging as a tool to find really awesome people and really awesome work.  I’m going to discuss the benefits of having a LinkedIn profile and keeping it updated.

What is LinkedIn?

“LinkedIn allows you to create a profile that summarizes your professional expertise and accomplishments. You can then form enduring connections by inviting trusted contacts to join LinkedIn and connect to you. Your network consists of your connections, your connections’ connections, and the people they know, linking you to a vast number of qualified professionals and experts.”

– LinkedIn’s About page

You’re going to use LinkedIn to land the job you really want so make sure you put forth not only the energy, but qualifications that are pertinent.  Nothing really outside of what you’re looking for should be in your profile.

LinkedIn provides you with a measuring stick to get your profile to where it needs to be to get the best results (i.e. adding connections, a photo, bio, work history, etc.) and once you’ve filled that stick then you need to keep nurturing it.  There are several third-party apps that work well with the service, and if you line everything up right you end up with zero communication loss between you and your profile.

The service is all about connecting with, collaborating with and commending others.  There’s a lot that goes into it – more that can be (should be) covered on a weekend read.  But, since it is the weekend there’s no time like the present to get a profile started or reinvigorate the one you’ve already established.  Go to it. Click Here to Read Article …

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What You Really Need Is A Manifesto

One really awesome way to give your personal productivity a nice boost is to get your very own manifesto. Not to be confused with the mission statement, a manifesto is like the mission statement’s tougher, cooler older brother or sister. The awesome one that everyone likes, everyone respects and everyone emulates because they’re totally punk rock and better than you at everything.

Don’t let the most famous manifesto dissuade you either. Yes, I know Karl Marx wrote one. But so did Guy Kawasaki, career renegade Jonathan Fields and designer Bruce Mau. In fact, there is a whole website dedicated to people’s manifestos on various topics ranging from change and achievement to creativity and how to give a compelling presentation.

A manifesto is a bold statement, or extended mantra, that sets a tone for your day, your career, heck, even your life. It’s a road map to awesomeness that should induce a surge of adrenaline pulsing through your body with each reading. Click Here to Read Article …

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8 Tips For Creating Cool Business Cards

“Have we met? I’m sorry that I don’t remember. I meet a lot of people at these things. When I get home, I review the business cards I collect and try to remember who everyone is.”

(pregnant pause)

“Oh…you didn’t have a card? That’s probably why I don’t remember you. Sorry…my mind isn’t what it used to be. I need all the help I can get.”

Cool business cards matter. In this golden age of online social networks and contact-filled cell phone, business cards still are proof you’re serious about business. They’re badges of authenticity and extensions of your brand.

Yeah, that’s a lot pressure to put on a sliver of paper. But there are some basic things you can do to make sure your cards can carry all that weight.

Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Reasons To Check In With Human Resources

The Human Resources department isn’t just for resolving serious work-related conflicts – or for new employees. It’s a commonly overlooked resource for both happy and unhappy employees. It’s a shame that employees only visit HR when faced with a tense situation. After all, they are quite literally “at your service,” whether you’re in the middle of a catastrophe or enjoying a long string of productive workdays. Perhaps it’s time to visit that sleepy corner of the office to see what Human Resources can do for you. Click Here to Read Article …

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How Do You Learn?

Idle hands are one thing, but what about an idle mind?

As human beings, we thirst for knowledge.  Heck, it’s the message behind the opening dialogue over top of every Star Trek opening – ever.  We want to know more.  We need to know more.  How we do that is up to each of us…well, once you’re out of school.

Continuing on in school and taking courses (like night classes) is one way to do it.  You can even take many classes online now (they’re the new “correspondence” courses).  Those aside, you can learn from books that you buy or borrow.  The content on the web – like blogs – can educate as well.  And while learning on the job is likely the most common (and most cost-effective) way to learn in the present day, you may not necessarily be learning what you’d like to.

So, how do you learn?  How do you like to learn?  What’s your favorite way to learn new things and advance your knowledge in others?  Let us know in the comments. Click Here to Read Article …

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