Displaying All Posts tagged with blogging

5 Secrets to Awesome New Blog Posts

5 Secrets to Awesome New Blog Posts

Blogging is a legitimate descendant of journalism. In some cases, you are chronicling the events and trends of your world for your readers, and, in others, adding your opinions. In other instances, you are offering advice and a place to share opinions, insights, and help.

The major difference between you and the observers of past decades is your potentially global audience. How disheartening, then, to encounter the same challenge that journalists, commentators, and advice columnists have always risked — a blank screen and an empty fund of ideas! Here are some ways to prompt creativity. You would not be blogging if you did not have ideas — the trick is to unlock them when you need them!

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3 Ways to Market Your Side Business While You Sleep

3 Ways to Market Your Side Business While You Sleep

Now that you have your shiny new side business up and running, you need to market it. In other words, you need to spread the word about what you are doing.

When I started blogging, my main goal was to get the word out about my blog. I had two common problems though: I didn’t have time to market, and I didn’t have any money.

Lucky for you, I am going to share what I learned through hours of research, interviews, and events. What I learned were the secrets to marketing a new business or blog online…all for free! Click Here to Read Article …

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10 Reasons Why Project Managers Should Write a Blog

10 Reasons Why Project Managers Should Write a Blog

It was my own manager who first suggested to me to write a blog. Company cutbacks had added project management duties to my position. By following this advice, I soon discovered why daily blogging is such a good idea.

Having a blog has helped me in project management immensely. Blogging helped me keep track of all aspects of the project, allowing me to take on more projects. It was not unheard of to have a dozen or more projects on my desk at the same time. I wrote a blog entry for every one of them every workday, and answered the associated comments. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: Interview with Nancy Nally

The Netsetter: Interview with Nancy Nally

It’s time for another edition of the weekly Netsetter column. This week, Thursday Bram interviews Nancy Nally of ScrapbookUpdate.com, where she asks Nancy about what it’s like to work in an area that seems outside of the realm of “tech” and how she gets work done.
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Blog Coverage Tips For Small Business Owners

Getting coverage from blogs for your business or product isn’t easy. Bloggers get too many pitches nowadays and there is every chance of your pitch getting ignored even if your product is a genuine fit for the readers.

If you are a small business owner looking for some online press, you should read this guide on blog coverage. Written by Lisa Barone on the Small Business Trends blog, the article has useful tips on things to follow and avoid while pitching bloggers.

My personal favorite is the second point about creating relationships. As a blogger, I would always respond to those who cared to strike a conversation with me first instead of sending a blind pitch. Building relationships and rapport should always come first.

5 Dos & Donts For Getting Blog Coverage Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Balance Your Internet Life with Your Real Life

Hi, I’m Carl, and I’m a blogger.

I really started blogging back in 1997 when I created an e-mail newsletter for the newspaper. I would start each daily e-mail with some personal insights then list the day’s headlines. I didn’t know it but it was blogging.

I thought I could quit whenever I wanted. But I kept posting updates. And that led to Facebook and Twitter accounts.

So now I’m very comfortable sharing personal aspects of my life with complete strangers. But some people I share my life with aren’t social media exhibitionists. They don’t blog, tweet, friend or check in. And they’re not thrilled to be part of my social networks by associations.

We talk a lot about balancing work and life. But how well do we balance internet life with real life? Do you need to keep your personal relationships quarantined? Here are some tips for achieving harmony:


On your first date, confess your blogging and social media habits. Your date needs to know that this may be the subject of a blog or Facebook update. Better yet, give them veto power. They need to be able to express discomfort and keep their private life private.


Set up ground rules with the people in your life. Understand what they don’t want revealed to the world.

Ask permission

No matter what the rules are, your friends and family will appreciate if you ask before you blog.

Create pseudonyms

Your personal life can have a lot impact on what you write. You can use personal anecdotes to add punch and protect the shy members of your life. Instead of using their names, identify them as “My Better Half” or “No. 1 Son.” Give them a little bit of cover.

Don’t ambush

We’ve all thought of the perfect comeback after losing an argument or point in a debate. Social media offers a chance to make that point after the fact. Which really isn’t fair. And don’t write anything you wouldn’t say to someone’s face.

Extend these courtesies to coworkers

Even if it’s totally professional, you want to consider the people at work and clients part of your private life. They may not appreciate reading about themselves in your blog or Facebook timeline. Ask.

Do you have rules to separate your real and social media lives? Click Here to Read Article …

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Awesome Links #7: Defeating Distractions, Blog Boosting, Freelancing Fees

The 7 Secrets of Running a Wildly Popular Blog
A top direct marketing copywriter shares his tips on using personality and likeability to build your blog’s popularity.

20 Strategies to Defeat the Urge to Do Useless Tasks
Ever find yourself refreshing Facebook or cleaning out your desk instead of doing what’s really important? Read this post!

Three Reasons You’re Not Charging What You’re Worth
Many freelancers and other self-employed folks sell themselves short, but this post shows them how to break this habit and start charging more.

5 Ways To Boost Your Best Business Relationship
These days, finding a job or getting promoted is all about relationships, and this post shows you simple ways to strengthen those contacts.

Freelance Decor: 6 Motivational Posters from the Movies
Lastly, we bring you a fun, light-hearted post from our sister site, FreelanceSwitch, with humorous motivational posters. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Create an Engaging and Effective Bio Page

When building out your website or blog, one of the most important—and frustrating—tasks at hand is creating your bio page. We can write for days about our topic of expertise, but when it comes to writing about ourselves, it’s tempting to cower under the desk and hope the need will pass.

Your bio page, however, is arguably the most important page of your site. It’s where you define and contextualize yourself to an audience of strangers in a concise and accessible format—it’s your landing page, and it’s where a big chunk of your traffic will end up. Understandably, the fear of not getting it right can be paralyzing. But rather than being daunted by the blank page with no idea how to proceed, here are some questions and tips to help structure the creation of your bio page. Click Here to Read Article …

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