Displaying All Posts tagged with Management

What Successful Companies Do Differently

What Successful Companies Do Differently

What is your big organizational initiative right now?

Perhaps, you’re focused on increasing sales, decreasing production costs or streamlining internal processes.

Maybe you’re in the strategic planning process or in budget hell.

Successful companies have processes in place to continuously monitor the performance of every function of the business.

Resources are allocated to examine the status of finance, production, logistics, service, partnerships and even consumer perceptions of the brand or company.

However, many overlook the organizational L-word: Learning. Be honest, when was the last time you pulled your best and brightest people into the conference room to examine the way your company learns? Click Here to Read Article …

5 Things Great Leaders Do

5 Things Great Leaders Do

No one expects their boss to be the next Nelson Mandela or Richard Branson, but every manager should be aspiring to be a better leader.

While it’s true that nearly anyone can become a manager if they apply themselves and play their cards right, not just anyone can become a great leader.

A mistake that is often made is thinking that being a great leader is about being the best, but it’s not.

Great leadership isn’t about one person, it’s about the team. Becoming a great leader is an ongoing process, but you can be sure that every successful leader knows to do these five things: Click Here to Read Article …

10 Tips to Keep Employees Happy

10 Tips to Keep Employees Happy

As job-hopping millennials infiltrate the workforce, employers need to be aware of the value of keeping their employees happy.

Considering the time and money investments associated with the hiring and training processes, it makes much more sense to keep current employees than take on the challenge of bringing in new ones.

So how do you keep employees happy?

The best place to start for employers is to understand why people quit their jobs and, conversely, what makes people stay. Click Here to Read Article …

Bad Bosses: They Cause More Than Just Headaches

Bad Bosses: They Cause More Than Just Headaches

Regardless if you work in a local chicken shack or a Fortune 500 company, a bad boss can ruin the entire experience for you single-handedly.

It doesn’t matter if you enjoy the work or not, a bad boss will seemingly go out of their way to undermine you at every step, undo a whole day’s work in the blink of an eye and sap the morale out of everyone they come across.

Even if the employee tries to make the best of it, dealing with a bad boss can become a tedious chore that never seems to end.

It has been cited that bad treatment from their boss and a hostile work environment are the number one reasons why employees leave. Click Here to Read Article …

9 Qualities Employees Love in Leaders

9 Qualities Employees Love in Leaders

Ever wonder what your employees think the perfect leader is?

Do you wonder if you are a good leader for your people?

You could directly ask them.

Of course, they could be brutally honest or lie just so they don’t get in trouble.

Unless you have good communication with your people, you may not want to ask them directly. You could have a third-party survey company perform an employee satisfaction review — this could give you an idea of what your employees are unhappy with. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips for Firing Up Your Team

5 Tips for Firing Up Your Team

We’ve all been there.

New team. Old team.

New goals. Complacency.

How do you get your people fired up to accomplish a big goal?

How do you motivate employees to bring their A-Game to work?

Here are five ways to help you push complacency aside and start getting the GREAT out of your rock stars. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Find & Delegate Tasks to Virtual Assistants

Have you ever watched, eyes green with envy, as administrative virtual assistants skillfully smooth away the bumps in an executive’s day?

If only,” you think, “I could afford to have someone like that to answer the phone, keep my calendar, keep me organized, make travel arrangements, keep up with social media, update my website, deal with customers, keep my books… (the list goes on) Then, I could really focus on the important things that will make my business or career thrive! But, alas, I don’t have the _____ (fill in the blank: money, time, know-how, office space, etc.) to hire someone like that.”

So you go on spinning through your days, bouncing from crisis to crisis while the important things remain undone. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Good Manager’s Guide: Conducting an Employee Evaluation

Employee evaluations (or staff appraisals) should be an enlightening experience for both parties involved. These reviews should be in no way intimidating for either you or your employee. However, for a lot of people the process has become exactly that. The reasons for these discouraging occurrences can range from when the evaluation takes place to how the reviewer handles the evaluation process. Here’s a guide to help you create a positive employee evaluation procedure in your workplace.

Deciding When to Conduct Employee Reviews

The first thing required for a successful employee evaluation program is a solid review schedule. You need to know when the evaluations will take place and how you plan on notifying your employees of their upcoming performance reviews. It is important to decide how many times per year you want to do employee reviews. While some companies only hold one single evaluation per year, other companies will conduct more informal (or “mini”) reviews once or twice before that yearly review is conducted. This practice can be beneficial to all involved — it cuts down on the time that the formal review takes. Periodic “mini-reviews” also allow the employees time to improve on weaker areas of work before the dreaded formal evaluation takes place.
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